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HomeNews ReportsThe UK: Man and son have a lucky escape after a turtle they found...

The UK: Man and son have a lucky escape after a turtle they found on the ground turn out to be live grenade from World War 1

Louie Lomas was taking his 5-year-old son for a walk when he spotted an object very much looking like a turtle, which turned out to be a 100-year-old live grenade

Assuming it is a turtle, the five-year-old son of Louie Lomas was about to pick it up. But it turned out to be a 100-year-old hand grenade that was embedded in the ground, which looked very much like a turtle inside its shell. This mistake was about to turn dangerous for a father and son when they were walking near their place in Taunton, Somerset in the United Kingdom. The turtle turned out as a rejected hand grenade of the World War I time.

As per reports, Louie Lomas was taking his 5-year-old son for a walk when he spotted an object very much looking like a turtle. The son attempted to pick up the object but Lomas immediately realized that it is something else other than a turtle. Louie picked his son before he could touch the object. “He was really excited because he thought it was a turtle and was about to pick it up,” said Louie.

“He was a bit scared and taken aback when I grabbed him and pulled him away. But he was quite excited when I explained what a grenade was,” he added. He said that the grenade was sitting on the floor right by their feet as they were walking along the river where they usually go for walk.

Louie Lomas, who is an ex-circus performer said that grenade was on the ground and they noticed it while walking along the river. Initially, he thought what a turtle was doing at that place, but he quickly realised that it was not a harmless turtle but an extremely dangerous explosive. “It was pretty obvious what it was so I wasn’t going to mess around,” he said. After that, he informed the police.

Police arrived at the spot quickly, but more drama happened as the officers accidentally parked their vehicle on the bridge right on top of the grenade.

Lomas said, “When the police arrived, they actually came and parked on top of it by accident. When they asked where it was and I told them they’d just parked right on top of it, they freaked out, jumped us into the back of the car and sped to the end of the road, which was a dead-end.”

The father-son duo was present at the spot until the bomb squad arrived. According to them, it was still live. The grenade was detonated by the team at a safe distance. Louie said that Lockley was a bit upset he didn’t get to see it explode, as they were asked to leave the spot during detonation for safety.

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