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HomeNews ReportsAjay Pandita’s family slams Congress leader Shashi Tharoor for politicising his killing

Ajay Pandita’s family slams Congress leader Shashi Tharoor for politicising his killing

Terrorists this week shot dead Congress sarpanch Ajay Pandita while he was working in his orchard in Anantnag

Late Ajay Pandita’s family has launched a blazing attack against Congress leader Shashi Tharoor for attempting to politicise the murder of the Jammu and Kashmir sarpanch. Coming down heavily against the Congress party, late Ajay Pandita’s daughter, Niyanta said on Friday that Congress should not politicise the assassination of the ‘son of India’. She added that there was no need to play politics over her father’s death and that the family demands nothing but justice for Mr Pandita’s murder.

In conversation with Republic TV, Niyanta said, “I couldn’t comprehend the need to politicise the matter. He suffixed Bharti to his name because he wanted to be associated with the country and not with any political party. I am naive about politics but what I do know is that whatever my father did was not anything to politicise. We want justice nothing more.”

Ajay Pandita’s father also criticised Congress leader Shashi Tharoor for needlessly politicising death of his son. “What does Shashi Tharoor know? Ajay made the supreme sacrifice for the country. Nation trumps politics. His statement is completely wrong. We want justice. Political leadership will twist and turn this incident, but all we want is justice.”

Shashi Tharoor claimed murder of Ajay Pandita was an attempt to create “Congress-Mukt Bharat”

Earlier in the day, Thiruvananthapuram MP–Shashi Tharoor while referring to the killing of Congress sarpanch Ajay Pandita claimed that the murders of the Congress leaders from ‘Kashmir to Kerala’ was an attempt to create a ‘Congress-free Bharat.’ Politicising the unfortunate killing of Ajay Pandita, Mr Tharoor added that party leaders were being killed for upholding secularism and democracy which is what all the enemies of the ‘Idea of India’ want.

“The message is clear: “Congress-mukt Bharat” is what all enemies of the Idea of India want,” the Thiruvananthapuram MP said while alluding to the killing of Ajay Pandita.

Ajay Pandita shot dead in Anatnag

The Kashmiri Pandit Sarpanch was shot dead on Monday by terrorists in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir. Congress Sarpanch of Lokbowan Larkipora, identified as Ajay Pandita, was fired upon by the terrorists who later succumbed to his injuries at a hospital.

According to the police sources, the sarpanch had gone to work in his orchard when he was attacked by the terrorists. The area has been cordoned off soon after the shooting.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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