In a shocking incident in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, a 24-year-old Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) student Ghulamuddin has been arrested for brutally stabbing his elderly parents to death. His father Ishaq was over 60 and his mother Shehzadi was older than 55. The perpetrator is now arrested by the police and the bodies of the deceased couple have been sent for autopsy.
थाना क्वार्सी- माता व पिता का हत्यारोपी अभि0 गुलामउद्दीन उम्र 24 वर्ष किया गिरफ्तार, आलाकत्ल कैंची व प्रेस किए गए बरामद
— ALIGARH POLICE (@aligarhpolice) March 29, 2023
हत्या की सूचना पर तत्काल अधिकारियों द्वारा मौका मुआयना किया गया, मुकदमा पंजीकृत कर वैधानिक कार्यवाही प्रचलित की गई। एसएसपी अलीगढ़ द्वारा दी गई बाइट @Uppolice
The horrific crime which happened on Wednesday at around 12:45 at the midnight was also captured on camera by the neighbours. Ghulamuddin was seen repeatedly stabbing the lifeless body of his father with a pair of sharp scissors.
UP के अलीगढ़ में AMU के स्टूडेंट गुलामुद्दीन ने पिता इशहाक और मां शहजादी की हत्या कर दी। दोनों के मरने के बावजूद उन्हें कैंची मारता रहा। हत्या की वजह स्पष्ट नहीं है।
— Sachin Gupta (@sachingupta787) March 30, 2023
In order to carry out the heinous act, he locked the room from the inside. He did not stop despite the neighbours’ persistent shouting from the window. According to the initial investigation, he believed that his mother was actually his stepmother.
Both his sisters and younger brother were present in the house at the time of the occurrence. The accused Ghulamuddin was reportedly sleeping in the same room as his parents while his siblings slept outside on the terrace. He got into an argument with his mother during the night and struck her head with a hammer that was kept nearby. She died right away. He then began attacking his father with scissors when the latter tried to stop him.
The sisters were sound asleep outside when they heard their parents’ screams. They were terrified when they peeled back the pane and peered inside. They immediately called for the neighbours who made an effort to reason with him but he refused to listen.
Reports mention that the father has been stabbed over 50 times.
When the Quarsi police arrived at the scene after being called by the neighbours, the room was locked from the inside. After waiting for around fifteen minutes, he opened the door and left with them.
According to the police, he alleged that two years earlier, when he had corona, he had discovered that his DNA matched that of his father and not his mother. Since then, he had assumed that she was his stepmother. His presumption, however, was disproved when the police questioned the relatives.
Ishaq, son of Ashiq Ali, with his wife and four children rented a room in Mohammad Salim’s residence in Gali-7, Zakir Nagar, Thana Quarsi Area. He served as the imam of the local Mohammadia Mosque, which is on Street 9 in the neighbourhood. The family is a native of Rampur’s Mirapur Mirganj Police Station, Suar.