Monday, June 3, 2024


All India Muslim Personal Law Board

Babri Action Committee’s Zafaryab Jilani says Dhannipur mosque is against Shariat, claims mosque cannot be built on ‘bartered land’

AIMPLB members had reportedly agreed to Jilani that the mosque proposed at the government allotted is against Sharia.

Muslim parties to file review petition against Ram Janmabhoomi judgement, AIMPLB decide to reject 5-acre alternate land

AIMPLB has decided to reject the 5-acre land granted by SC as compensation in the Ram Janmabhoomi case

To take of not to take: Sunni Waqf Board to take a decision on the 5 acre land by 26th November

Following the Ayodhya verdict, UP Sunni Central Waqf Board chief Zufar Farooqui has said that he is getting multiple suggestions on whether to take the land or not.

Lest we forget: When countless Muslims marched, went on a rampage and rioted demanding the head of Kamlesh Tiwari

In December 2015, protests had broken out in several cities, from north to south, east to west, demanding a death sentence for Kamlesh Tiwari because he had called prophet Muhammad gay.

No locus standi: Appeal by intellectuals to surrender Ayodhya land as ‘goodwill gesture’ categorically rejected by Muslim Law Board

‘Indian Muslims for peace’ group had offered the suggestion to Muslim Law Board of surrendering the disputed land in Ayodhya

AIMPLB moves Delhi High Court requesting to be impleaded as party in a PIL seeking implementation of Uniform Civil Code

The Modi government has been pushing for a uniform civil code to be enforced which would end the reach of different religious laws in civil issues

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