Saturday, June 1, 2024



US: Spray-paint, anti-semitic stickers across Starbucks in New York; 7,000 pro-Palestinian protesters storm Brooklyn Bridge, give calls for elimination of Jewish state

The pro-Palestinian protestors in New York openly cheered Hamas terrorists’ barbaric attacks on Israel and justified the terror attacks.

USA: Jewish students at Cooper Union locked inside library as Pro-Palestine protesters bang on the doors, rescued by police via the back door

When asked about reports that some Jewish students were trapped in a Cooper Union library because they were terrified during the march, school administrators tried to indicate that the reports were false.

Israeli sociologists write letter in response to 1700 sociologists contextualising Hamas violence, urges signatories to withdraw the one-sided statement

Israeli sociologists called out socialogises supporting Gaza and Palestinians for ignoring Hamas' terrorist attack of 7th October

Israel-Hamas War: As Palestinians get tattoos for their kids as identification marks, here is what Islam says about tattoos being haraam

The challenging circumstances have made the families in Gaza look for mediums to ensure their children have identification marks on their bodies in case they do not survive Israeli retaliation.

No Gaza refugees will be allowed into Egypt or Jordan: King Abdullah says it is a ‘red line’, blames Israel in meeting with Scholz

Amid the Israel-Hamas war, King Abdullah II of Jordan issued a stern warning against attempting to forcibly push Palestinian refugees into Egypt or Jordan

Mani Shankar Aiyar, Danish Ali among opposition leaders who visited Palestinian embassy to show solidarity after Israeli retaliation

The joint resolution presented to the Palestinian Ambassador was signed by 16 opposition leaders, expressing solidarity after Israeli retaliation to Hamas attacks.

Palestinian National Authority, which controls West Bank, criticises terror attack by Hamas, remarks removed within hours

The Palestinian National Authority was established in 1994 and is a self-governing body in the West Bank region.

Ladakh Congress working president justifies Hamas atrocities on innocent Israelis, tries to falsely project ‘Palestinian Mujahideens’ as victims

Along the lines of his higher-ups in Delhi, Asgar Ali Karbalai, the working executive president of Ladakh Congress has declared his unwavering support for the Palestinians and their terrorist organisation Hamas

USA: Harvard students start backtracking from support to Hamas after CEOs indicate they wouldn’t hire them, and University distances itself

Harvard student groups retract their names after backlash for supporting Hamas terror attack on Israel

At least 9 US citizens killed in Hamas attack, terror organisation threatens to start killing hostages for each bomb dropped on Gaza

Abu Ubaida, spokesman for the Military Wing of Hamas - Al-Qassam Brigades announced on Al Jazeera that they would execute hostages and broadcast it live for each bomb dropped on civilians in Gaza by Israel.

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