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HomeMediaNidhi Razdan tries to make snide remark on RSS, gets schooled

Nidhi Razdan tries to make snide remark on RSS, gets schooled

The poor man’s Barkha Dutt strikes again! Nidhi Razdan is famous for conducting entire debates on fake news and getting called out on social media. Today, Nidhi tried to peddle a fresh narrative. A storm has been brewing over former President and lifelong Congress-man Pranab Mukherjee attending an event by the RSS. Many including his daughter have expressed shock at his move.

Nidhi Razdan too jumped in to offer her two cents. Nidhi claimed that RSS and its supporters are defending Mukherjee’s acceptance by saying that although the two might be ideological adversaries, they should engage with each other in a democracy. Hence, Nidhi taunted the RSS that they too should “embrace those who are ideologically different from them”

Thus, Pranab Mukherjee was described as the one who has large-heartedly accepted the invite of an ideological adversary, in typical liberal fashion. But social media users saw through this entirely illogical argument.

It was the RSS which had initiated this move and invited Mukherjee, thus showing their readiness to “embrace those who are ideologically different from them”. Mukherjee had only reciprocated this with an acceptance. Hence, lecturing RSS on the virtues of liberalism is entirely foolish. Many on social media pointed out this hole in Nidhi’s logic:

Others also advised Nidhi to now be inclusive like the RSS and in turn visit a shakha!

If Nidhi was truly sensible in her talks, she should have chided the Congress, for its patently illiberal stance. Instead, Nidhi Retweeted a tweet which showed how the official handle of Congress, had now snidely attacked Mukherjee, a former President and one of the tallest leaders of Congress:

Can we put this down to idiocy in not realising the irony in her own logic? or a deliberate attempt to portray Mukherjee as the liberal and RSS as the intolerant?

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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