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HomeCrimeBishop Franco case: Sister Lucy alleges illegal confinement by convent, case registered

Bishop Franco case: Sister Lucy alleges illegal confinement by convent, case registered

Kerala police have now registered a complaint against a convent in Karakkamala at Mananthavady in Wayanad district over the illegal confinement of Sister Lucy Kalappura

There seems to be no end to the twist and turns to the Kerala nun rape case as Kerala police have now registered a complaint against a convent in Karakkamala at Mananthavady in Wayanad district over the illegal confinement of Sister Lucy Kalappura, a nun who had supported the agitation against rape accused Bishop Franco Mulakkal.

According to reports, Sister Lucy in her complaint to the Vellamunda police had said she was not able to attend the holy mass in a nearby church on Monday morning because of the illegal confinement. She found that the gates of the convent locked from outside on Monday after which she called the police, who helped unlock the gates.

In a bid to silence the protesting nurse, the Franciscan Clarist Congregation (FCC) on Saturday had written to the family of Sister Lucy Kalapurakkal to take her back home after she was expelled from the congregation. Sister Lucy was expelled from the congregation at Manathavady in Kerala for allegedly following a lifestyle not permissible by the congregation.

Sister Lucy Kalapurakkal had last year supported the victim nun and had demanded the arrest of rape-accused Bishop Franco Mulakkal, who headed the Roman Catholic Diocese in Jalandhar.

Franco Mulakkal, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Jalandhar, was accused of raping a 44-year-old nun at a guest house in Kuravilangad in May 2014 and subsequent sexual exploitations afterwards. The nun had registered a complaint on June 2018 and has also claimed that despite her complaints, the church took no action on the bishop.

Similar to Sister Lucy, another nun Sister Anupama, one of the five nuns who led the protests against Bishop Franco last year, had alleged that there are efforts being carried out to sabotage evidence to protect the rape-accused Bishop Franco Mulakkal.

Sister Anupama, who is seeking justice for the victim nun allegedly raped by Bishop Franco, alleged that rape accused Bishop Franco is behind the efforts to tamper with evidence in the case.

The four nuns who had supported the rape survivor nun were asked to leave the Kuravilangad convent, and go to convents, previously assigned to them. Shockingly, apart from threats and intimidation, Father Kuriakose who had testified against Bishop Franco was found dead under mysterious circumstances.

Another controversy related to the case had erupted after there were allegations against the Communist Kerala government that it had transferred two police officers who were probing against the Bishop.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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