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NDTV’s Sreenivasan Jain desperately tries to portray that Kashmiri Pandits are unhappy with abrogation of Article 370

In an attempt to push a narrative that Kashmiri Pandits are not supportive of abrogation of Article 370, NDTV and Sreenivasan Jain got exposed for pushing further scare-mongering and hatred against the Narendra Modi government.

Controversial news channel NDTV, seems to be disgruntled about the Narendra Modi government’s decision to abrogate Article 370 and bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir. Since the day the historic decision was announced earlier this week, NDTV appears to have put into motion everything they could to show that the move is a disaster.

On Thursday, NDTV news anchor Sreenivasan Jain attempted to pull up a similar stunt on his show. In his show, Jain attempted to stage an interview with one of the Kashmiri Pandits, Upendra Kaul to push a narrative that Kashmiri Pandit community is unhappy about the scrapping of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

Upendra Kaul, a Kashmiri Pandit featured in the show, spoke on behalf of the Kashmiri Pandit community. As the show progressed, Kaul expressed his views on abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of the state, terming it as a ‘very bad moment’. Kaul with his entitled views went on to make shocking remarks, claiming that the events of genocide and exodus of Kashmiri Pandits were itself debatable and tried to falsely insinuate that some of Kashmiri Pandits perceived the scrapping of Article 370 as a ‘revenge’ to what happened in 1990.

Upendra Kaul, one of the leading cardiologists of the country, also confessed in the show that he never lived in the Kashmir valley but instead stayed in Delhi when the genocide against Pandits took place in the early 1990s.

Meanwhile, the erratic statements made by Kaul against Kashmiri Pandits has angered the members of the community, who have now exposed the claims of both Sreenivasan Jain and Upendra Kaul.

Rohit Kachroo, an exiled Kashmiri Pandit and an activist, has hit back with details pertaining to the last night NDTV show. In a tweet, Rohit confirmed the fact that Upendra Kaul, who was referred to as a representative of Kashmiri by Sreenivasan Jain, is not a Kashmiri but a resident of Delhi. Rohit also stated that Upendra Kaul neither represent the voice of Kashmiri Pandits nor anybody knows him.

Further, Rohit Kachroo also reveals that NDTV had initially invited one of the representatives of the activist group to be part of the show, but later cancelled his appearance on the show after sending a cab to his place. These claims by Rohit raise serious questions on whether the show was staged to foul-mouth Kashmiri Pandits along with India for celebrating the historic event of the scrapping of Article 370.

In an attempt to push a narrative that Kashmiri Pandits are not supportive of abrogation of Article 370, NDTV and Sreenivasan Jain got exposed for pushing further scare-mongering and hatred against the Narendra Modi government.

This is not the first time NDTV’s Sreenivasan Jain has been caught on the wrong foot. Last month, in a desperate bid to shield the failed Congress-JD(S) alliance in Karnataka, he was found misrepresenting basic facts. He has also indulged in bullying people into deleting their tweets and even threatened to sue them. He was also caught downplaying violence against Modi supporters during the run-up to 2019 general elections.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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