Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionsAfter being subjected to genocide, Kashmiri Pandits are being called 'vicious' and are the...

After being subjected to genocide, Kashmiri Pandits are being called ‘vicious’ and are the new villains for the woke-folk

Author and Journalist Rahul Pandita has been continuously lynched on twitter by these ‘enlightened’ souls who nonchalantly labelled him ‘Closeted Sanghi’ only for sharing reportage which did not match their favourite line- ‘Indian Government/Army Atrocities in the Kashmir Valley’.

It’s established and might I add a successful formula which the ‘woke-folk’ apply every time they are caught opining something they have absolutely no clue about, they throw accusations at you. The theatrics start almost as soon as you make an attempt to reason with them.

Since last month the usual suspects have been busy feeding social and international media with their customary rants about how the valley has been turned into a hellhole by the ‘Fascist’ Indian Government. The stories range from a brutal attack by the Indian Army, purposeful stalling of medical assistance for the sick, shutting down telephone line means a war on Kashmiris, to the sensational expose’ by that ultimate JNU student about Indian Army deploying a mic while torturing Kashmiris to perpetuate fear among the locals.

Abrogation of Article 370 has unleashed the bleeding hearts both on social media and TV channels. From self-styled Feminists to Lawyers to Students to closeted Congress/Communist party supporters have been screaming blue murder for the Indian Government finally equalizing the rights of the people of the Union Territories of Ladakh and Jammu & Kashmir with the rest of the country.

Since the ‘clampdown’ of the valley is a juicier topic the bleeding hearts have given lynching stories a break for the time being however there is a twist this time around. Guess who is the villain now?

As ridiculous as it sounds, the Kashmiri Pandits who were brutally driven out of their homeland 30 years ago are being termed vicious & vindictive while the hunter is now the hunted.

One needs to read Rahul Pandita’s “Our Moon Has Blood Clots” a personal and a touching tale of the abyss his family [and community] lived through and whose wounds are still raw to realize how shameful we as a nation need to be for betraying our own. But nay, it is the Pandit community who betrayed the mythical Kashmiriat. Why? Because they dared to support the abrogation.

Author and Journalist Rahul Pandita has been continuously lynched on twitter by these ‘enlightened’ souls who nonchalantly labelled him ‘Closeted Sanghi’ only for sharing reportage which did not match their favourite line- ‘Indian Government/Army Atrocities in the Kashmir Valley’.

A Kashmiri Congress party leader termed Rahul’s tweet as ‘disingenuous, condescending and disgusting’!

That’s not all, the bearded prince charming from the self-proclaimed ‘unbiased’ channel (currently trying to salvage their reputation amidst investigation for serious economic crimes) went on to accuse Rahul of a shilling (playing stooge) for the government. Why? Because Rahul tweeted a factual statement on Yasin Malliks’ cardiologist. The bleeding-heart prince charming was quick to term it ‘dangerous slander of medical ethics’

As soon as you call them apologists [for Yasin Mallik and other separatists] you are labelled Sanghi, Stooge, Vicious. Yeah! who cares any longer?

The Kashmiri Pandit community quietly rebuilt their lives and perhaps the only way they protested is by writing and sharing their stories to those who were interested. Yet the separatists have an army of supporters both on social and mainstream media maybe that’s why one can count the number of stories reported on the suffering of KPs on one’s fingers. No one cared for them, least of all our holier than thou MSM, lets not even talk about the previous dispensation. But hey you are the Sanghis!

My prediction is the ‘woke-folk’ will continue to accuse KPs of the next 30 days or so or till there is another biggish incident which involves a different set of Hindus.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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Kabir Pandit is a Corporate Consultant, a husband, father and a chef with a keen eye on Indian Politics and Modern Indian History. While being a part of Delhi's liberal brigade Kabir realised the hypocrisy and falsehoods of nearly everything they claim to stand for. Kabir is also a former Radio Jockey

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