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China plans to rewrite Quran and the Bible, Islamic organisation in Malaysia threatens China to ‘not cross the redline’

The Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organization (MAPIM) has expressed outrage at the recent revelations.

The Communist government of China has decided to rewrite the Bible and the Quran to fit socialist values, the Daily Mail has reported. Although the order by the Committee for Ethnic Affairs does not mention the texts specifically, it calls for a “comprehensive evaluation of the existing religious classics aiming at contents which do not conform to the progress of the times.”

The Chinese regime maintains that “Jesus Christ’s parables” will have to fall “in line with the Communist Party, failing which they run the risk of being purged from the bibles available to the faithful.” The regime wants a “sinicization” of the Quran and other religious texts. If some texts do not conform to the desired ideals, they will have to be “modified and translated again.”

The Daily Mail reported, “A group of 16 experts, believers and representatives of different religions from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attended the conference in last month, according to Xinhua News Agency. The meeting was supervised by Wang Yang, Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.”

Read: Chinese social media giant TikTok bans user for highlighting the plight of Uighur Muslims in China

It adds, “Mr Wang stressed that religious authorities must follow President Xi’s instructions and interpret the ideologies of different religions in accordance with ‘the core values of Socialism’ and ‘the requirements of the era’.” The officials were also asked to come up with ‘a religious system with Chinese characteristics’.

The Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organization (MAPIM) has expressed outrage at the recent revelations. Its president Mohd Azmi Abd Hamid, in a statement, demanded an explanation on the matter from the Chinese authorities. “The re-writing of the Quran will be seen as a war against Islam and Muslims around the world will definitely stand up to rebuke this policy,” Hamid said.

He further stated, “We remind China not to cross the redline. The already massive repression of Uyghur Muslims has been heavily criticised by the international community and the Muslims will not tolerate such abusive policy to alter the most sacred text of Islam. We demand the truth of this report and if China refuses to respond we will follow closely if the policy will actually be implemented or the policy be revoked.” “We call again that OIC must not be silent on the plight of the Uyghur Muslims and Muslims in general in China,” Hamid added.

Chinese oppression of Uighur Muslims has been known for a long time. Earlier the Chinese police had imposed a dress code for Uighur women, under which the Muslim women are not allowed to wear long dresses. Last year photos had appeared on social media showing police cutting dresses of Uighur women for being “too long”.

It was also reported that Han Males are sleeping on the same bed as Uyghur Muslim women in China whose male family members, often husbands, are locked up in ‘reeducation camps’ in conformity with a diktat by the Chinese regime. It appears now that the Chinese regime is willing to go many steps farther and rewrite the entire Bible and the Quran.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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