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FIR registered against activist-lawyer Deepika Singh Rajawat for cartoon linking rape with Hindu Goddess worship

On 19th October, the lawyer had posted a cartoon on Twitter linking rape with worshipping Devi during the Navaratri and Durga Puja

The Jammu and Kashmir police has registered an FIR against controversial advocate Deepika Singh Rajawat for hurting the sentiments of Hindus. She has been booked after she had posted a cartoon a few weeks ago where all the Hindu men were depicted as rapists.

According to Bar & Bench, the FIR has been registered against Deepika Singh Rajawat under sections 505 (b)(2), 294 and 295 A of the Indian Penal Code. The case has been registered at the ammu Gandhi Nagar police station.

On 19th October, the lawyer had posted a cartoon on Twitter linking rape with worshipping Devi during the Navaratri and Durga Puja. In the cartoon, a man could be seen raping a woman at some place during ordinary days while it says that on Navratri, the man worships the Goddess at the same place, presumably a “Devisthan”.

Such depiction of Hindu men and disrespect of Hindu religious places had attracted widespread criticism on social media. People slammed her for unnecessarily targeting a pious Hindu festival, while pointing out how she didn’t use festivals of other religions to post such ‘social message’.

Following she posted the cartoon, several complaints were filed against her at various places in the country. Vishwa Hindu Parishad had filed a complaint with the Delhi police on 20th October.

The joint general secretary of VHP, Dr. Surendra Jain, had slammed Rajawat saying that the post was not merely an attack on Hindus, but on India as a whole.

On October 21, Dalit Positive Movement had lodged a complaint with the DGP UP against Deepika Singh Rajawat under SC/ST act and NSA ‘for sharing malicious & highly enraging cartoon insulting Hindu Godess’.

Others also filed complaints against the advocate for the cartoon.

It may be noted that Deepika Singh Rajawat is the same lawyer who had used the Kathua rape and murder case to promote herself as the saviour of the victim family, but attended almost none of the court hearings during the trial of the case. She attended merely two out of a hundred and ten hearings and was ultimately removed by the family of the victim.

It may be recalled here that following the tragic rape and murder of an eight-year old girl in Kathua, liberals and their Bollywood counterparts made a beeline to malign Hinduism and Hindus by highlighting the fact that the rape and murder presumably took place inside a ‘Devisthan’. A placard campaign was run on social media where liberals took special care to point out that the incident took place inside a “Devisthan”. And now Deepika Rajawat had revived the same angle to allege that Hindu men rape women inside Devi temples outside the days when the Devi is worshipped.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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