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HomeNews Reports‘Don’t waste your time on a lowly worm’, senior advocate Mahesh Jethmalani advises lawyer...

‘Don’t waste your time on a lowly worm’, senior advocate Mahesh Jethmalani advises lawyer who filed cybercrime case against Kunal Kamra

"He wants the glare: give him the darkness he deserves", Mahesh Jethmalani told Advocate Chandani Shah after she filed a case against him for his tweets against Supreme Court

The Supreme Court’s order granting interim bail to Republic TV Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami has triggered major liberal meltdown. Propagandist masquerading as ‘standup comedian’, Kunal Kamra seemed to have a nervous breakdown and could not control himself from blabbering about the Supreme Court and the Justices DY Chandrachud and Indira Banerjee who passed the order.

Kamra used highly derogatory and condemnable language against the Supreme Court and the judges for granting relief to Arnab Goswami.

Screenshot of Kunal Kamra’s tweet
Screenshot of Kunal Kamra’s tweets

After Kamra posted several tweets which were contempt of the apex court of the country, Advocate Chandani Shah said on Twitter that she has filed a contempt plea against Kamra for his vile remarks. Shah posted the screenshot of the email that she wrote to the Bar Council of India requesting it to take cognisance of Kamra’s contemptuous remarks against the Supreme Court and the judges. She also filed a cyber complaint against him.

Shah later posted another tweet confirming that her complaint against Kamra had been handed over to the Secretary General of Supreme Court of India.


Read- ‘Mentally unstable’ Kunal Kamra abuses and heckles Arnab Goswami on a flight to Lucknow: Here is what actually happened

Mahesh Jethmalani calls Kamra a “lowly worm”

Commenting on Shah’s tweet, senior advocate Mahesh Jethmalani advised her not to waste her time on Kamra. Calling Kamra a “lowly worm”, Jethmalani suggested Shah not to turn the “lowly worm” into a “glow worm” by giving him attention.

He said that Kamra deserved darkness and he should not be given the attention that he seeks so desperately. “Don’t waste your time. You’ll turn a lowly worm into a glow worm. He wants the glare: give him the darkness he deserves”, said Jethmalani.

Kunal Kamra, who often posts tweets seeking attention, seems to have become used to such insults on social media. In March this year, he was shown his place by author Chetan Bhagat. Kamra had shared a screenshot of a Twitter conversation of Bhagat in which he had asked: “Scale of 1-10, how bored are you right now?” A Twitter user had replied: “11 but still won’t read your book.” Sharing a picture of this conversation, Kamra tagged Chetan Bhagat and said that even he didn’t get insulted so frequently and badly. Bhagat gave a befitting reply to Kamra saying, “You have to be someone to get insulted bro.”

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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