Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNews ReportsHealth worker suspended after having gay sex with COVID-19 patient in a hospital toilet...

Health worker suspended after having gay sex with COVID-19 patient in a hospital toilet in Indonesia

The patient and the nurse were both questioned after the post went viral on social media. Both admitted to having sex in a toilet at the Wisma Atlet quarantine facility in Jakarta.

Even as the world continues to battle the Chinese pandemic COVID-19, certain individuals continue to indulge in irresponsible acts putting lives of people at risk during these testing times. 

In one such bizarre incident, one health worker was caught having same-sex with a COVID-infected man in a hospital toilet in Indonesia. The authorities have now suspended the nurse after he admitted to stripping off her PPE to have sex with a COVID-infected man, in a hospital toilet. Both have been placed in isolation after the patient published details about the incident on social media.

The incident, which could see both the nurse and the patient prosecuted under Indonesia’s anti-pornography laws, occurred at Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital, a coronavirus field hospital in Indonesia. 

The matter came to light the patient uploaded a screenshot of WhatsApp messages that were exchanged between both of them, and photographs of the PPE kit of the health worker lying on the floor. The WhatsApp conversation showed that both patient and nurse made an appointment to have sexual interaction in the hospital’s toilet.

The Regional Military Command, as the manager of the Integrated Joint Task Command for the operation of Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital, immediately conducted a search after the post went viral. Following the search, the identities of the nurse and patient were discovered and both admitted to having gay sex in a toilet at the Wisma Atlet quarantine facility in Jakarta.

The Regional Military Command immediately arrested both the health worker and the patient, and did PCR swab test on them. As the patient was still positive, he was kept in the hospital, while the nurse, who tested negative, was handed over to the Central Jakarta Police for further legal proceedings.

It is not clear under what charges they are being prosecuted. Although same-sex relation is illegal in some parts of Indonesia, it is not illegal in Jakarta.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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