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‘Liberals’ normalise wishing death on Hindus, hope for ‘Sanghis’ to suffer painful death and ‘eternal pain’ amidst Covid-19 crisis

Some of them are arguing that wishing death upon those who disagree with their brand of politics is perfectly ethical. Ironically, they are calling Sanghis "ultrabigoted" even as they wish death upon them.

India is suffering a severe outbreak of the novel Coronavirus. As Covid-19 cases surge across the country, the healthcare across multiple states are getting stretched. But even under such a scenario, unparalleled hate continues to be perpetuated unabated. And the hate is overwhelmingly coming from those who claim to have a monopoly on love and tolerance.

Liberals, only a few days ago, were seriously debating whether they should help Sanghis in distress amidst this crisis. They were discussing, in all seriousness, whether they should help Sanghis combat Covid-19. Some of the comments and rhetoric that is currently circulating among liberal circles give one the impression that the debate has been settled. And the debate has not been settled in a manner that portrays liberals in good light.

Some of them are arguing that wishing death upon those who disagree with their brand of politics is perfectly ethical. Ironically, they are calling Sanghis “ultrabigoted” even as they wish death upon them.

Liberals wish death upon Sanghis amidst Covid-19 crisis
Source: Instagram

Some say even death is not enough, Sanghis must experience “eternal pain” and “suffering”.

Liberals wish death upon Sanghis amidst Covid-19 crisis
Source: Twitter

One of them has gotten very close to what can considered an attempt to incite unrest. “We should be angry as f*ck. We should be storming at these f*ckers with all our rage. Our anger should make them tremble in fear,” the person says.

Source: Twitter

Then there are those who are wondering if Narendra Modi will still be voted to power if every family experiences a Covid-19 death.

Source: Twitter

Death is being wished upon Prime Minister Modi himself as well.

Source: Twitter

The hatred towards Hindus is very prominent as well. The most shocking aspect is how casually such morbid comments are being posted on social media. Not just death but “slow painful death” is also being wished upon those who voted for Narendra Modi. Liberals say that Hindus deserve to burn because of their voting preferences.

Liberals wish death upon Sanghis amidst Covid-19 crisis
Source: Twitter

Such hate is not a recent development. Only recently, an entire campaign was launched by liberals online to usurp the money that was donated by Hindus for the construction of the Bhavya Ram Mandir at Ayodhya. They wanted the government to forcefully usurp the money and use it to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

It is another matter that the government is not suffering a cash crunch currently and there were much more sensible measures that could be adopted to secure wealth that does not involve robbing private donations.

Another crowdfunding could have been organised if the situation was so dire but liberals wanted to skip all such steps and proceed directly to rob the Temple trust of their wealth. And now we have liberals normalising wishing death upon Hindus.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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K Bhattacharjee
K Bhattacharjee
Black Coffee Enthusiast. Post Graduate in Psychology. Bengali.

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