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HomeNews ReportsJournalist Seema Chishti mocks Hinduism while pretending to be being critical of the RSS

Journalist Seema Chishti mocks Hinduism while pretending to be being critical of the RSS

In Hinduism, not just COVID but any death is referred to as 'mukti', as a liberation to the soul. Unlike in Islam which believes in Day of Judgement when Allah decides, based on your deeds, on how their afterlife will be.

It is said that a person who suffers from jaundice sees yellow. It is an idiom, lest Seema Chishti, a journalist and wife of CPIM leader Sitaram Yechury accuse me of wishing jaundice upon her. You see, anything can happen in today’s day and age.

Seema Chishti’s tweet

Sharing a screenshot of Jansatta headline which attributed a quote to RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, Chishti wondered if ‘Mukt’ in Congress-Mukt-Bharat actually stood for ‘death’.

Chishti not only distorted Bhagwat’s quote, she also used the RSS as a shield to mock Hinduism.

‘Mukt’ or ‘Mukti’ is used in Hinduism to define liberation from the mortal world, which is why the cremation grounds are often known as ‘muktidhaam’, a place where one leaves the mortal world. Mukti is liberation from the cycle of birth and death and other than Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism also believes in same philosophy.

When the BJP and its supporters used the term ‘Congress-mukt Bharat’, the ‘mukt’ in it stood for ‘free’ and not death as Chishti would want everyone to believe.

What did RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat actually say?

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, while interacting about staying positive amid the coronavirus pandemic, said that times are tough and a lot of people have lost their loved ones. “They should not have had to leave this soon. But we cannot do anything about it. Now we are currently in this situation. And those who have left us, have been liberated in a way,” he said.

In Hinduism, not just COVID but any death is referred to as ‘mukti’, as a liberation to the soul. Unlike in Islam which believes in Day of Judgement when Allah decides, based on your deeds, on how their afterlife will be.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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Nirwa Mehta
Nirwa Mehta
Politically incorrect. Author, Flawed But Fabulous.

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