Monday, June 3, 2024
HomeNews ReportsTriple Talaq cases in Gujarat: In-laws arrested in Surat, another man booked in Ahmedabad

Triple Talaq cases in Gujarat: In-laws arrested in Surat, another man booked in Ahmedabad

The central government has enacted the law against triple talaq in 2019 after the Supreme Court declared the regressive practice as unconstitutional in 2017. The law criminalises the practice of triple talaq and prescribes punishment for up to 3 years.

The Limbayat police have nabbed the in-laws of a victim, who was subjected to instant Triple Talaq in Surat, Gujarat.

As per reports, the woman lived near Shahpura Idgah area in Limbayat. She had filed a complaint with the police against her husband Mohammed Javed, mother-in-law Mutimun Nisha Ejaz Mirza, and father-in-law Mohammad Ejaz Mirza. In her complaint, the victim has accused her in-laws of torture, assaulting her for a dowry of ₹3 lacs, and removing her from the house with her two daughters. She has also accused her husband Javed of giving her instant Triple Talaq over a Whatsapp call. The police have now arrested the in-laws of the victim.

The central government has enacted the law against triple talaq in 2019 after the Supreme Court declared the regressive practice as unconstitutional in 2017. The law criminalises the practice of triple talaq and prescribes punishment for up to 3 years. The woman is entitled to maintenance for her dependent children under the law.

Accused booked for Triple Talaq in Ahmedabad

Recently, the Gujarat police booked a 40-year-old man named Mushtaq Shaikh in Ahmedabad for giving instant Triple Talaq to his wife. On July 1, a First Information Report (FIR) was lodged against him at the Gaekwad Haveli station, based on the complaint of his wife Shabana Banu Shaikh. Mushtaq has been booked under the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, Dowry Prohibition Act and Indian Penal Code (IPC) Sections 498a (cruelty against wife), 294b (obscenity) and 506(criminal intimidation).

While speaking about the matter, Shabana said, “I have been married to Mushtaq for 22 years and we have a son and daughter aged 16 and 15 respectively. Right after my marriage, my husband, who is unemployed, had started demanding money from me. To save my marriage, I kept giving him money by asking my father… He harassed me mentally and physically over years.”

She further added, “On May 30 this year, I went to my uncle’s place in Juhapura for a day and when I returned, my husband started abusing me. On June 1, he again picked up a fight and said talaq three times in a bid to give me divorce. I have been staying at my parent’s place for a month.”

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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