Saturday, June 1, 2024


8 lakh youths in North Korea volunteer to join military to fight against USA: North Korean media

North Korea recently launched its Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile during a drill.

‘We are a revival of the ancient enlightened Hindu civilisational nation’: Kailasa press office

The Washington Post staff writer had queried about Kailasa, its population, cultural practices, and if it has any official language or anthem.

53% of journalists lost jobs, over 50% of media houses shut down in Afghanistan after the takeover by Taliban, hailed for organising a press...

Several journalists in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan have raised concerns about their deteriorating economic condition and lack of access to information.

British Muslim man found guilty of terrorism, was found making bombs

According to the statement, the culprit was identified as Asad Bhatti of Holland Close, Redhill was arrested on the charges in January 2021, and a search was carried out at an address in Redhill.

Pakistan: Judge allows Imran Khan to leave after marking attendance, says hearing can’t take place due to clashes between cops and PTI workers

Additional District and Sessions Judge (ADSJ) Zafar Iqbal permitted PTI chairman Imran Khan to leave after his attendance was marked outside the court

After Newark said it was scammed by Kailasa of Nityananda, reports emerge that 30 US cities were conned with ‘cultural partnership’ by the ‘non-existent...

Nithyananda's fake country 'Kailasa' duped over 30 American cities into signing 'cultural partnerships' with it

International Criminal Court wants to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin: What prosecutor Karim Khan said and why the warrant is useless

ICC cannot put Vladimir Putin on a trial or try him in absentia. It is dependent on member States to act as its sheriffs.

Is Nepal’s Pokhara International Airport another Chinese debt trap? Concerns raised over steep interest rates

If Nepal had looked into alternative financing possibilities, it could have been able to acquire a loan at a cheaper interest rate. The high-interest rates are a major worry for Nepal since they might eventually result in a heavy debt load.

Prince Harry is ‘frightened’ of his wife Meghan Markle, claims royal biographer; calls her ‘really scary’

Prince Harry is frightened of Meghan Markle, royal biographer Angela Levin claimed, adding that he is nervous when around his wife.

11 top American banks rescue ‘vulnerable’ First Republic Bank with a contribution of $30 billion after the collapse of two banks

First Republic Bank underwent a liquidity crisis after customers moved billions of deposits out of the bank in distress.

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