Sunday, June 16, 2024



Craftsmen struggle to sell Ravana effigies after Rajasthan government bans the use of firecrackers, line the streets to protest: Details

With COVID-19 cases receding, the craftsmen had anticipated a healthy demand for Ravana effigies but their hopes were dashed after the Ashok Gehlot-led Rajasthan government ordered a ban on firecrackers

Tirumala Brahmotsavam begins at Lord Venkateswara’s abode: Here is what the festivities signify and how it is celebrated

On October 7, Brahmotsavam was started with the ritual of Dhwajarohanam, where the Garuda Dhwaja of the Lord is hoisted, marking Garuda's travel to Devaloka to invite Gods of heaven to come and attend the festivities.

Hindus, Sikh teacher killed in Kashmir, this is how ‘liberals’ still managed not to condemn Islamic terrorists unequivocally

For 'liberals' and Islamists to condemn attack on Hindus, especially when perpetrators are Islamic terrorists, there always has to be a 'context'

The USA should look in the rearview mirror, evaluate their own sins and stop tarnishing Hindus

The western world, especially the Americans are great at creating an imaginary hornet’s nest on a high tree for themselves - This time, against Hindus

Faux Hindus emerge ahead of UP elections: Congress wants the media to let people know that Priyanka Gandhi is ‘fasting’ for Navratri

ABP journalist took to Twitter to inform the public that Congress has informed journalists about Priyanka Gandhi Vadra fasting for Navratri this year.

Chhattisgarh: Saffron flag uprooted by Muslim mob, section 144 imposed

Video where a man climbing the pole where flag was hoisted and removing it has gone viral on social media

On Gandhi Jayanti, read how Hindu bhajan ‘Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram’ was corrupted to include ‘Allah’

Gandhi modified lyrics to Hindu bhajan of "Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram" to project a secular composite image of the Indian society

Christian country Papua New Guinea Covid controller first denies permission for Durga Puja because of ‘idol worship’, apologises later: Details

Earlier, a letter signed by Manning had denied Hindus living in PNG permission to hold Durga Puja celebrations saying idol worshipping is morally inappropriate and against Christian values.

Hyderabad hate crime: Hindu boy beaten up by a mob for travelling with a Muslim girl

There has been a spate of incidents in Telangana when unruly Muslim mobs have accosted and assaulted Hindu boys for travelling with Muslim girls

‘Peasant rebellion’, ‘Wagon massacre’, tourism circuit: How Kerala govt is whitewashing Malabar genocide of Hindus by Moplah Muslims

2021 is the 100th anniversary of the Moplah Massacre of Hindus and Kerala Communist govt is trying its best to whitewash the massacre

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