Sunday, June 16, 2024



Ahmedabad: Nasrukhan Pathan fraudulently develops relationship with married woman, then blackmails her to rape for months, demands money

Ahmedabad: Married woman files case against one Nasrukhan Pathan for blackmailing her to rape her for months

Biki Ali, prime accused in gangrape of minor girl in Assam, shot dead in encounter after he attacked police and tried to flee

Rape accused Biki Ali died after he was shot at when he tried to flee from custody in Guwahati

Bareilly: Coaching centre operator Azhar alias Aurangazeb molests student, gets dragged to police station by girl’s family

A video of this incident in Faridpur of Bareilly has appeared on Twitter in which the accused is seen being dragged to the police station by the family members of the girl.

Congress leader justifying rapes by ‘mards’ of Rajasthan vs the ‘liberal’ reaction to ‘ripped jeans’ statement by Tirath Singh Rawat: The shameless hypocrisy

Liberals' commitment to women's rights and safety is selective as witnessed in their silence on Dhariwal's remarks justifying rapes by 'mards' in Rajasthan

Grooming jihad in Jharkhand: Hasnain Ansari becomes Aman Mehto to lure Hindu girl, spikes food, rapes her, leaks video after his identity is revealed

On March 11, 2022, a video of a 21-year-old girl revealing how she became a victim of grooming jihad in Ramgarh, Jharkhand was shared on Twitter

Minor girl gangraped by ‘boyfriend’ Biki Ali and his 4 friends in Guwahati, case filed after they uploaded video of the crime on social...

After making video of raping the minor girl, Biki Ali blackmailed her to go to a hotel where he and 4 others gangraped her

‘Rajasthan tops in rape cases because it has always been a state that belonged to men: Congress minister makes crass joke of sexual violence

Shanti Dhariwal, Rajasthan Congress minister mocks rape cases inside state assembly, says state has always belonged to men.

Saharanpur rape case: Here’s what the victim Dalit girl said before dying at the hands of Sahil, who raped and poisoned her to death

The victim girl's brother said the accused used to visit her house and was secretly keeping an eye on her.

Rise in sexual assault by Muslim clerics: Rapes committed inside madrassa, mosques reported from Kerala, Hyderabad and UP

A Muslim cleric in Kerala was arrested for raping a 13-year-old girl several times inside a madrassa

Maharashtra: 45-year-old Rizwan Shaikh arrested for raping a street dog

Rizwan Shaikh took the dog forcefully inside his home, locked the door and allegedly raped the dog.

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