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We do not need international busybodies to tell us how to run our lives, Pakistan using Jihad to promote violence: Syed Akbaruddin

"There are normal diplomatic ways of dealing with countries when countries deal with each other, but using terrorism to try to push one's goals is not the way normal countries behave ", Syed Akbaruddin slammed Pakistan's 'jihadi' approach.

After the closed-door consultations of the UNSC over a China-initiated deliberation on the Kashmir issue, India’s permanent envoy to the United Nations Syed Akbaruddin addressed a press conference at New York yesterday.

Akbaruddin’s brilliant presentation of India’s side before the world media has wowed everyone.

Akbaruddin started by asserting that any decision regarding Article 370 are entirely India’s internal matter and they have no external ramifications. Akbaruddin stated that two countries have been trying to pass off their national statements as the ‘will of the international community’ but the UNSC does not work like that.

Akbaruddin asserted that the recent decisions taken by the government of India are to promote good governance and enhance socio-economic development for the people of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh.


Akbaruddin further discussed the new set of measures announced by the chief secretary of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir promising steps towards normalcy. He added that the UNSC has acknowledged the efforts and appreciated the moves.

Akbaruddin further added that India is committed to gradually removing all civilian restrictions and asserted that since the move is is internal to India, it has not made any difference to India’s external orientation. He affirmed that India is committed to ensuring that the situation remains calm and peaceful.

Slamming Pakistan, Akbaruddin stated that there are some who have tried to project an alarmist approach. He added that 1 country is using the term ‘jihad’ and jas been promoting violence against India.

Akbaruddin slammed Pakistan for fuelling terrorism and stated that violence is not a solution. He added that India is saddened that terrorism is being fuelled by Pakistan using incendiary language.

inviting questions from the press, Akbaruddin further stated that history knows that the last agreement was signed in 1972, India adheres to that, but Pakistan also needs to follow that. He added, “We can go back in history. Every new agreement overtakes the past. We have already extended our friendship according to the Shimla agreement and we are committed to that”.

Akbaruddin asserted that Pakistan’s actions do not seem like it adheres to bilateral agreements.

Akbaruddin stated that he has been a diplomat and has been personally associated with many delegations to Islamabad. He asserted that there are normal diplomatic ways of dealing with countries when countries deal with each other, but using terrorism to try to push one’s goals is not the way normal countries behave. No democracy will accept talks when there is a threat of terrorism. He affirmed India’s stand that to start bilateral talks, Pakistan has to stop terrorism.

Akbaruddin stated that any country can bring an issue to the notice of the UNSC for deliberation but that does not mean that India’s stand over bilateral agreements or Kashmir issue has changed.

Akbaruddin stated that the measures taken to impose certain restrictions in Jammu and Kashmir before the major decision was taken to prevent terrorists from harming the people and cause violence. He affirmed that in the days since August 5, there has not been a single fatality. he added that restrictions or preventive measures are the balance of choice that the administrators on the ground make. They should be allowed the time and space.

Answering a question on allegations of human rights violation committed by Indian security forces, Akbaruddin stated that there is not a single intergovernmental body in the world that can accuse India of human rights violations. He asserted that India was the first country to speak against apartheid. India was the country which initiated the efforts to modify the UN charter of human rights declaration that said ‘All men are born equal’ to ‘All humans are born equal’.

Akbaruddin asserted that India is a transparent democracy and it has courts to address the issue. “We don’t need international busybodies to tell us how to run our lives”, he said.

Answering a question on whether the current restrictions on the people of Jammu and Kashmir undermine India’s democracy, Akbaruddin stated that public order is essential for a democracy to function. He added that there are reasonable restrictions but they will be eased as per the decisions of democratically elected leaders.

It is notable here that China and Pakistan’s UN representatives had merely made statements before the media. It was only India’s UN rep Syed Akbaruddin who had agreed to take questions from the media.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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