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BJP MP Tejasvi Surya asks Hindus to stay vigilant against Islamists: Here are the 5 ways in which the media is expected to outrage

Left-liberals spectacularly ignore the dozens of policemen who sustained bullet injuries in UP after Muslim mobs went on a rampage post the CAA. They had blissfully ignored Muslims torching trains, railway stations, buses and two-wheelers all over the country in the name of protests.

The left-liberal media and its leftist foot soldiers marching on social media platforms have been just been recovering from the shocking blows of Anurag Thakur’s slogans, BJP’s Delhi election campaign song and the sad incident of the Shaheen Bagh shooter turning put to be an AAP member when young MP Tejasvi Surya and his comments in Lok Sabha yesterday has riled them up again.

Speaking in the Lok Sabha yesterday, the 29-year-old Bengaluru(South) MP stated, “What is happening today in Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh is a stark reminder that if the majority of this country is not vigilant, the patriotic Indians do not stand up to this, the days of the Mughal Raj coming back to Delhi are not far away.”

Since the attempts by the left-liberals to hold the government by the collar and threaten it to take the CAA back did not work despite trying to incite violent protests, arson and stone peltings, they have been focussing all their energies in trying to cover up the blatantly anti-Hindu sloganeering, hate-mongering and misinformation campaign camouflaged as ‘Shaheen Bagh protests’ as an organic, peaceful protest ‘led by hijab-clad Muslim women’ to challenge the Modi government.

Comments by Tejasvi Surya have riled up left-liberals and the media, that is either leftist by design, or leftist by habit, again. Times Now declared that Surya has ‘stoked a row’ by his ‘divisive’ comment.

Times Now on Tejasvi Surya
Republic on Tejasvi Surya’s comment

Since the left-liberals in India think that the Mughal Raj in India was a heavenly period where everyone was so rich and so happy that they happily converted into Islam, vacated their forts and palaces out of happiness, surrendered their wives and daughters at the feet of Mughal kings out of happiness while everyone ate Biriyani and danced to Sufi music, Surya’s comments are bound to hurt them.

A look into how left-liberals on social media are reacting to Tejasvi’s comments and all one gets is how India was a thriving economy under the Mughal rule, how Mughals have made all tasty food possible, having brought rice recipes from the desert lands from where they had come, how Mughals had made all beautiful monuments in India out of their pocket money etc.

Since there is no point in fact-checking starry-eyed fans of Mughals, here are five ways one can see the reactions.

Mughal rule was awesome, they brought Biriyani, poetry, etc

Mughals were so awesome that they had discovered Biriyani. Since they were experts in the rice-cooking techniques in their desert lands, they had taught the unwashed Indians how to mix Indian grown chicken and mutton to Indian grown rice and make it flavour-rich by adding Indian grown spices to it.

Mughal rule would be better than Hindutva rule anyway

Left-liberals have us believe that all the evil in the world originates from Hindus and Hindu rituals, practices and anything related to Hindus. The way they worship Mughals they proclaim that they had come as saviours from beyond the Hindukush mountains to rid this land of greedy Brahmins and lustful kings who made the masses worship money and elephant gods.

Since the Mughals died away, and Hindutva goons conspired with the British to take Edwina Ji away from Nehru Ji, they have now again captured the Delhi throne after only a brief ‘secular’ rule. From 2014 onwards, India has been thrown again into an abyss of communalism, hatred and bigotry. Only, and only the Mughals or someone inspired by their great ideas can save India now.

BJP is dividing Hindus and Muslims, violent Muslim mobs and rioting Muslims are just fake news

Left-liberals spectacularly ignore the dozens of policemen who sustained bullet injuries in UP after Muslim mobs went on a rampage post the CAA. They had blissfully ignored Muslims torching trains, railway stations, buses and two-wheelers all over the country in the name of protests.

They have also ignored ‘Kafiron Se Azadi’ slogans and calls to establish ‘Allah’s Kingdom’ after destroying idols of Hindus. Only when a BJP MP raised a slogan asking traitors to be shot and a boy from UP waltzed into a road in Jamia with a country-made gun, liberals saw a bright red line connecting the two incidents.

They had also drawn a blazing red-line connecting the BJP MP’s slogan and the shooter that went into Shaheen Bagh with another country-made gun. However, due to an unfortunate Hindutva conspiracy involving time-travel, hypnotism and sorcery, the shooter turned out to be an AAP member. Hence, all discussions of that shooter were promptly stopped and the search was focused on the next ‘communal comment’ by the next BJP MP.

Expected better from a ‘young’ BJP MP Tejasvi Surya

Such comments are actually brilliant. They do not sound hateful, or negative. They just add the right amount of sanctimonious intellectualism to a mixture of hollow elitism and passive Hinduphobia. What they actually want to say is, “How can a ‘kal ka ladka’ BJP MP dare to speak his mind, express Mughal-phobic opinion?

They also are angered because the young MP punctures an Amethi-sized hole into their ‘youth icon’ balloon floated over Rahul Gandhi’s head. As per them, no youngster should dare to sound smarter than the Congress prince.

But what about ‘Hindu terrorist’ Kapil Gujjar, Tejasvi Surya?

The incident where an individual called Kapil Gujjar fired three shots in the air near Shaheen Bagh protests has become the favourite incident of the ‘liberals’ to shame Hindus. The shooter, Kapil Gujjar, after firing the shots in the air had hailed Hindu Rashtra and said that in India, only Hindus will prevail. The fact that a ‘shooter’ with a gun merely fired shots in the air should have raised suspicions. But if that wasn’t enough, the fact that he looked into the cameras and repeated the trope that the ‘liberals’ hope “Hindu terrorists” would be suspicious enough.

Read: AAP leader deletes tweet, but party forgets to delete their article confirming Shaheen Bagh shooter is AAP member

While the “liberals” blamed “Hindutva” for this incident, links of Kapil Gujjar with the Aam Admi Party emerged. Pictures where he was being felicitated by AAP leader Sanjay Singh. Kapil Gujjar has also admitted that he and his father were members of AAP and had political ambitions.

With the speech delivered by BJP MP Tejasvi Surya, it is expected that the ‘liberals’ will pull out this trope and say that while Surya fear-mongers about Islamists, there are “Hindu terrorists” shooting guns. The media and ‘liberals’ are expected to completely ignore that Gujjar is an AAP leader and the entire fiasco reeks of a conspiracy.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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