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Here is how Rajdeep Sardesai spread lies about CBSE exams in the midst of Delhi riots by Islamists

Sardesai made a career by running a malicious campaign post the 2002 Gujarat riots. He left no stone unturned to cast aspersions on the BJP and engage in character assassination of PM Narendra Modi.

Fake news peddler Rajdeep Sardesai took to Twitter on Monday night to claim that the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) exams would not be conducted in North-East Delhi due to the Anti-CAA violence.

His misleading claims were debunked by the official handle of CBSE. CBSE tweeted saying, “Sir there are no exam centres in northeast Delhi for CBSE exam tomorrow.”

Rajdeep Sardesai shares misleading info about CBSE exams in Delhi
CBSE’s official Twitter handle debunks Sardesai’s misleading claims

After his lies were exposed, Rajdeep Sardesai put out a clarification saying that schools in northeast Delhi were to remain closed. To lend credibility to his claims, he even retweeted Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia’s tweets.

Rajdeep Sardesai claimed in his initial tweet “While local netas and criminal gangs settle scores, the citizen suffers. Will action be taken against those who provoked the violence?”

Rajdeep Sardesai is not new to spinning narratives or making misleading claims. Last month, he claimed that Home Minister Amit Shah delivered a fiery speech in Delhi, where he only spoke on the historic Citizenship Amendment Act, Article 370, Ram Mandir. Rajdeep then added that Amit Shah did not utter a word on the basic issues of electricity, schools or hospital. When he was called out by Twitteratti, he was forced to delete his tweet.

Read: Deliberately spread fake news, grovel and apologise when caught: Here are 3 instances when Rajdeep Sardesai tendered ‘unconditional apologies’

Not just Sardesai, a large section of media and so-called ‘secular-liberals’ have been trying to spread misinformation over the violence and vandalism wreaked by the anti-CAA jihadi mob in Delhi. The rioter who had fired bullets on a policeman yesterday was claimed as a ‘Hindu terrorist’ by many. It was only later that it was revealed his name was Shahrukh and he was the part of a violent anti-CAA mob.

Even the orange coloured crated used by the Jihadi mob to carry stones for pelting and to be used as shields were circulated as ‘Bhagwa flags’ in many photographs.

Sardesai made a career by running a malicious campaign post the 2002 Gujarat riots. He left no stone unturned to cast aspersions on the BJP and engage in character assassination of PM Narendra Modi. It was not until last year that he conceded, “It is unfair of us to say that Mr Modi or anyone was responsible for the riots. He did not ask or incite violence.”

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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