Saturday, June 1, 2024



Uttar Pradesh: Nadeem and Imran kidnap, rape Dalit girl in auto, injured in a police encounter

As per reports, Nadeem and Imran had fired bullets at the chasing police vehicle.

Pakistan: Maulvi rapes child reading Quran in mosque in Sindh province, caught on CCTV

Muslim Cleric in Sindh province in Pakistan on the run after video of hem raping a child inside a mosque emerges, case registered

Kerala nun rape case: Rape-accused Bishop Franco granted bail again by Kottayam trial court

The court will now hear the case on August 13, 2020, when the charge-sheet will be read out in the court.

“I will rape you and cut you into four pieces”: Sameer Ahmed had threatened a girl in Delhi’s Maujpur area a day before riots...

Delhi girl says that her neighbour Sameer Ahmed threatened to rape and murder her just days ahead of northeast riots.

Parwez Parvaz, who had once moved court seeking FIR against Yogi Adityanath, gets convicted in a gangrape case and is awarded life imprisonment

Parwez Parvaz, who had moved the Allahabad High Court in 2007 seeking an FIR against Yogi Adityanath, has been convicted in a 2018 gangrape case.

Pakistan: Kitten allegedly raped by 7 boys for over a week, dies due to multiple organ failure

"This is Pakistan, and these are Pakistani men. Men are choosing animals for rape now after women and minors," the Facebook post emphasised about the grim situation.

Uttar Pradesh: Communal tension prevails in Sitapur village after a 14-year old minor girl was raped

Communal tension has prevailed in the Sakran village of Sitapur district after a minor girl was raped by one Khaleel.

Uttar Pradesh: 30-year-old doctor Tufail Ahmed arrested for attempting to rape a coronavirus positive girl in Aligarh

As per reports, the woman, a coronavirus positive patient was recovering in an isolation ward when Dr Tufail Ahmed allegedly raped her.

Kerala: Madarsa teacher arrested for raping minor daughter for two years with 6 other men, was on bail from earlier POCSO charges

The Nileshwaram police on Monday arrested a 50-year-old man, a madarsa teacher, for sexually abusing his 16-year-old daughter repeatedly over the past two years.

Chopragaj murder: WB police arrest deceased victim’s kin after family of accused Feroze Ali pins blame of his murder on girl’s family

BJP alleged that the death of the accused in the Chopragaj rape and murder case is an attempt to cover up girl's death

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