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HomeNews ReportsISIS slogans warning of attacks on Nepal and Modi found in Army area in...

ISIS slogans warning of attacks on Nepal and Modi found in Army area in Himachal

Local administration and police in the Solan district of Himachal Pradesh are investigating the case of ISIS slogans being written at various places in an army cantonment area. These slogans warn that ISIS will carry out blasts in Nepal as well as locally in India.

The slogans were discovered by local residents living around the cantonment area in Subathu, Dharampur, where earlier this month a Hindu temple was defaced with similar slogans about the terrorist group.

Unlike in the case of temple defacement, when stencils were used to print the slogans, this time slogans on walls and posters are handwritten. The slogans have been written in Hindi, English and Urdu.

The slogans warn that from Subathu to Nepal – which is at around 700 kilometres away – 3 blasts will be carried out. The language used in the posters is patchy, and it appears to be warning that electronic items like TV, computer, washing machine will be used to carry out these attacks:

ISIS poster in Himachal
Handwritten poster warning about ISIS attacks in Nepal and India

Along with the posters warning such attacks, the slogans on walls also hint that Prime Minister Modi will be another target of the attacks by the ISIS:

ISIS targets Modi
Narendra Modi too have been mentioned in the ISIS supporting slogans

Reports suggest that such posters and slogans have been put up at various places in the area including post office, local shops, at a park, and a toll barrier – all of which are in the vicinity of the cantonment area. An ISIS flag too is reported to have been recovered.

The development has once again alerted the local administration and police, which is still to crack the temple defacement case. With the latest incident happening in an army area, army too has decided to increase patrolling and install cameras for monitoring the situation.

An ISIS agent was arrested from Himachal last month, and now these two incidents of ‘ISIS coming soon’ slogans appearing in the same month in the same district has made people wonder if the terror organisation has created a network in the state that is increasingly becoming emboldened.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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