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HomeNews ReportsIs 'The Wire' a gun for hire to attack Piyush Goyal

Is ‘The Wire’ a gun for hire to attack Piyush Goyal

Earlier this month, the leftist propaganda website, ‘The Wire’, which has become the go-to website for Congress and Left propaganda, second only to National Herald – tried to come up with a hit job against union Railways and Coal Minister Piyush Goyal. Their hit-job, of course, didn’t hold water and debunked in no time, even as Rahul Gandhi rode ‘The Wire’s’ clown car of lies all the way to a self-goal.

What is interesting, however, is that Congress seems to have taken the mantle and has started attacking Piyush Goyal fashioning their uninformed gibbering around ‘The Wire’s’ shoddy articles. Perhaps the party finally realised that their proxy mouthpiece wasn’t being taken seriously enough and that instead of outsourcing the job, they should do it themselves.

However, the party’s flop show in a way ended up giving away the hint that their allegations were weak because, in their own documents that they shared in the press conference, it was clearly mentioned that Piyush Goyal and his wife stopped all businesses on his becoming a minister to avoid any conflict of interest. Their own documents also indicated that Piyush Goyal had sold his investments off.

Perhaps that is why no one in the media, except The Wire, took Congress’ allegations at face value. The allegations were carried as some gospel truth only by Congress’ own mouthpiece National Herald, through its Hindi version, and Rahul Gandhi sadly dragged the name of Shirdi temple and ridiculed the faith of its devotees while raking up the issue to which many followers took strong objection. Rahul Gandhi eventually not only ended up exposing his lack of facts but also his utter disdain for Hinduism that even his political-janeu-dhaari avataar couldn’t mask.

It is indeed strange that the Congress party would insinuate wrongdoing when Piyush Goyal, prior to becoming a Minister indulged in the regular course of business as a professional CA coming from a business background. When he became the Minister, he resigned from the companies in the spirit of transparency. He had paid regular taxes as a businessman and there was no default in the companies that Piyush Goyal owned.

‘The Wire’ seems to focus on inane questions like which company was sold to whom, for how much, etc, while the answers are publicly available and prove no wrongdoing. Their hitjobs thus seem to focus on carefully crafted words that insinuate, but never prove. And from what we hear, ‘The Wire’ is planning a similar hit job using these overused tactics.

So essentially, it does seem like Piyush Goyal, who had a successful investment banking career before he became a minister, is being maligned and targeted because perhaps Congress believes that everyone in politics should be like Rahul Gandhi – with no professional sources of income to justify their political activities.

Goyal’s bonafide business dealings are a matter of public record and it indeed seems strange that Congress is clutching on to straws and creating controversies out of thin air.

While it is extremely easy to hurl allegations and follow the Rahul Gandhi mantra of shoot and scoot, real journalism demands to bring out all facets of the story honestly. To have an undying pursuit of truth and facts without casting aspersions, sensationalising stories and raising conjectures.

It is time The Wire stops doing political hitjobs and starts doing some real journalism.

As for the Congress, perhaps it would serve them well if they focussed on real issues and answered for their own scams and wrongdoings before shooting in the dark, hoping that the bullet at least lands in the vicinity of the right target. Rahul Gandhi’s now-a-vacation-now-a-rally-then-a-lie politics is getting tedious and raking up baseless conspiracy theories as a tool to obfuscate is no longer working.

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