Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeCrimeHundreds, including leprosy patients, flee an Ashram in Jharkhand after Muslim mob threatens them

Hundreds, including leprosy patients, flee an Ashram in Jharkhand after Muslim mob threatens them

Reshmi Mahto, a resident of the village said, "Because we are people with disabilities, every few days these people (Muslims) target us and carry out atrocities against us."

43 families have fled an Ashram in Jharkhand on Monday fearing violence by a Muslim mob. As per reports, while police are present on the ground to provide protection, Muslim men have threatened that once the police leaves, they will kill each one of them.

MLA representative of chief minister Raghubar Das, Pavan Agarwal reached the spot to give assurance to the people regarding their safety. However, despite the assurances, as many as 400 people of 43 families have fled.

As reported by News18, the Muslim used to target the Ashram since it housed people with disabilities including leprosy. Reshmi Mahto, a resident of the village said, “Because we are people with disabilities, every few days these people (Muslims) target us and carry out atrocities against us. They overpower us and beat us up. 8-10 women were injured yesterday. Despite police presence, some are still threatening us. They say that police will protect you only for a few days, after which we will come inside your house and kill you.”

The communal clash was triggered after a child went to a Muslim basti to recover his kite which had fallen there. While the initial feud was resolved, a few days later, it turned violent which led to stone pelting. Following the incident, residents of Shree Ram Sevashram reached the police station to register a complaint. They also claimed that Muslim men from the basti would come and make sexually coloured remarks and harass them.

The women in the ashram claimed that they also make casteist remarks and use derogatory and abusive languages towards them. The Muslim men, after boasting their prowess that no one can harm them, they started pelting stones at the temple, claim the women. They reportedly even pelted stones at homes of other residents.

Burma Mines police station in-charge has said that the police is doing its best to provide safety to the people.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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