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HomeNews ReportsCongress spokesperson Dr Ajoy Kumar shares old article to spread EVM hack theory

Congress spokesperson Dr Ajoy Kumar shares old article to spread EVM hack theory

His tweet is aimed at misleading the voters into believing the falsehood of "every vote being polled goes to BJP" theory.

Dr Ajoy Kumar, National spokesperson of Indian National Congress (INC) and president of Jharkhand Congress was caught spreading panic on Twitter by sharing an old Times of India article about EVM malfunction. The article dated April 3, 2014 was intentionally shared to maliciously suggest that BJP has tampered the EVMs in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.

His tweet is aimed at misleading the voters into believing the falsehood of “every vote being polled goes to BJP” theory. Congress and opposition parties have been constantly accusing the BJP with manipulating the EVMs to their favour.

Kumar, who was confronted by a user named Harshal for his malignant tweet has, however, preferred to maintain his stand. In response to the user, he has, in fact, justified his erroneous claim.

Not too long ago, prominent Congress leader Kapil Sibal was spotted at a hackathon event in London. The event witnessed a series of outlandish claims by an alleged self-proclaimed ‘EVM expert,’ Syed Suja. The alleged hacker had stunned the nation by claiming that 2014 elections along with UP and Gujarat state elections were rigged. He went on to claim that favourable results were achieved by hacking the EVMs. All these elections were won by BJP. However, he had given a clean chit to MP, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan elections because BJP had failed to earn the numbers in these states and Congress had managed a comeback.

However, the Election Commission (EC) had rubbished the hacking claims. EC has maintained that the EVMs are hack-proof.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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