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HomeNews ReportsChina refuses to allow discussion on Wuhan Coronavirus in UNSC, blocks draft that called...

China refuses to allow discussion on Wuhan Coronavirus in UNSC, blocks draft that called for “full transparency” over the outbreak

The draft proposal prepared by Estonia highlights "growing concern about the unprecedented extent of the COVID-19 outbreak in the world, which may constitute a threat to international peace and security."

China, which is being held responsible for the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak throughout the world is reportedly not allowing the global issue to be discussed in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Many countries want to pass a proposal on the global issue but China is constantly putting obstructions.

While Coronavirus has already claimed thousands of human life across the world, the United Nations have been failing in discussing the epidemic yet because of veto by China. The pandemic that broke out in Wuhan province of China has infected more than 4.3 lakh people around the globe. But the intergovernmental body United nations hasn’t started discussions over this serious problem. Neither the United Nations General Assembly of 193 members, nor the 15 member UN Security Council has discussed the matter yet.

When Chinese Ambassador Zhang Jun was asked questions related to the discussion on COVID-19, he said that it is not on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council. The United Nations Security Council is alleged to be divided on its proposal on the pandemic. China has also objections regarding the terminology of the proposal.

According to reports, China and some other countries are blocking a draft to discuss the pandemic at the UNSC. The draft proposal prepared by Estonia highlights “growing concern about the unprecedented extent of the COVID-19 outbreak in the world, which may constitute a threat to international peace and security.” The draft also calls for “full transparency” over the outbreak, which clearly refers to growing criticism that China is hiding vital details about origin about the Virus, making China uncomfortable over the terminology of the draft. None other US president Donald Trump has been alleging that China is misleading the world on the issue. Non-permanent member South Africa opposed the draft first, and later China and Russia also blocked it, reports say.

Another important aspect here is that China is the President of the UN Security Council for March. The President decides what issues will be discussed in the UNSC. Although the term of President changes every month, as a permanent member China has veto power so it can continue to block the issue to be taken up by UNSC.

Read- Wuhan coronavirus: A pandemic that was started in China, covered up by China but China thinks calling it Chinese is ‘racism’

The workings of the United Nations, headquartered at New York, has also virtually come to a halt, as the city is worst hit by Wuhan Coronavirus in the US. The meetings of the United Nations are also being conducted through video conferencing.

The G20 countries will be discussing the epidemic on Thursday with a common strategy. After the meeting of SAARC countries through video conferencing, Prime Minister Modi has also suggested the video conference meeting for G20 countries.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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