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HomeNews ReportsEnforcement Directorate registers money laundering case against Tablighi Jamaat chief Maulana Saad

Enforcement Directorate registers money laundering case against Tablighi Jamaat chief Maulana Saad

Earlier Delhi police had booked Maulana Saad Kandhalvi for culpable homicide not amounting to murder

The Enforcement Directorate has registered a money laundering case against the Tablighi Jamaat Chief Maulana Saad Kandhalvi and nine others on Thursday under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) based on predicate offence that is registered by Delhi police.

Nine people including Maulana Saad are reported to be on radar on Enforcement Directorate. The agency will also investigate the trust and the transactions of the trust that belongs to Tablighi Jamaat chief.

Maulana Saad booked under Section 304 and Epidemics Act

Earlier on Wednesday, the Delhi police booked Maulana Saad Kandhalvi for culpable homicide not amounting to murder. The charges of culpable homicide added to the FIR that was already lodged against the Maulana Saad right after he absconded on March 31.

The police had booked Maulana Saad under the Epidemics Act 1897 for allowing religious congregation in the month of March despite repeated warnings from the center and the state government. He had allegedly disregarded the guidelines issued by the government in the light of the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic which is spreading rapidly.

Thousands of people from across the country and many from abroad attended the religious congregation, the event has now emerged as a hotspot for the maximum cases of coronavirus.

Maulana Saad still absconding

The Tablighi Jamaat chief is still absconding. The Delhi Police crime branch had sent two notices to Saad under Section 91 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The police have asked Maulana Saad to provide some documents. The second notice was sent after the first notice was found “unsatisfactory”.

While Maulana remained untraceable Delhi police slapped another notice with 36 questions at his farmhouse in Shamli near Delhi.

There were reports that the head of the Tablighi Jamaat, Maulana Saad, who claims to have quarantined himself in the wake of the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak was reportedly using his time to gather support and mobilise the Jamaatis. Saad, a resident of Zakir Nagar is allegedly hiding on the outskirts of Delhi at a supporter’s house. Reportedly, the Islamic cleric had hidden in a densely populated area, knowing well that it could help evade arrest. 

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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