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HomeNews ReportsTablighi Jamaat members kept in Madhu resort in Agra throw tantrums, refuse to eat...

Tablighi Jamaat members kept in Madhu resort in Agra throw tantrums, refuse to eat prescribed healthy food, demand spicy beef biryani

They feel that they are absolutely healthy and keeping them in confinement is a part of the government's conspiracy to target their community

Tablighi Jamaat members, who are emerging as the sole reason for the sudden spike in the number of coronavirus cases in India, are turning out to be quite a headache for the authorities, as well as the frontline healthcare workers, doctors and nurse who are working relentlessly to cater to the COVID-19 patients amidst the pandemic.

One such cluster of almost 89 Tablighi Jamaat attendees who have been quarantined in the Isolation Center at Madhu Resort in Sikandra space, Agra, after police caught them holed up in almost eight different Mosques in the town, have been throwing quite a lot of tantrums, making it difficult for the medical staff to attend to them.

According to media reports, these members of the Jammat have refused to consume the healthy non-spicy food prescribed to them by the doctors, instead, they have been making preposterous food demands like spicy beef biryani. The Jamaatis are claiming that they eat the same biryani every day and that it is an essential part of their diet. 

They are, reportedly, threatening the medical staff that if their demands are not met they would not consume medicines, nor would they allow the doctors or nurses to treat them. They have also warned that they would run away before the required 14-day isolation period.

One medical staff at Madhu resort, on conditions of anonymity, stated that these people have been completely disregarding the social distancing norm. They are offering group Namaz and roaming around freely in large groups. Visitors have been walking in freely into the resort, getting these Jamaatis outside food and drinks.

To add to all of this, these Jamaatis are accusing the administration of conspiring against their community. They feel that they are absolutely healthy and keeping them in confinement is a part of the government’s conspiracy to target their community.

However, this is not the only incident where the anti-social behaviour of attendees of Tablighi Jamaat has left the authorities and medical teams completely distraughted. From attacking medical teams who were searching for Tablighi members for who had attended the religious congregation to check them for possible infection, to spiting on doctors at an Isolation centre, to roaming naked in their ward and making lewd gestures for female staff, these attendees have been displaying extreme crassness.

Yesterday, we reported how some Jamaatis kept at the isolation ward of the District MMG Hospital in Ghaziabad were roaming in their wards naked. Not only this, but they were also making lewd gestures towards female employees of the hospital.

Prior to this it was reported how these occupants made unreasonable demands for food, misbehaved and abused staff members and started spitting all over and on persons working/attending them, including doctors. In a bid to spread the infection, some also urinated in the open, outside the isolation wards. They also started roaming around the hostel building.

A couple of days ago, the role of Tablighi Jamaat in the spreading of the Wuhan Coronavirus across numerous states of India had come to light. Muslim clerics of Tablighi Jamaat organised a congregation in violation of the government’s lockdown orders, providing a conducive environment for the novel coronavirus to proliferate. As per conservative estimates, the congregation organised by Tablighi Jamaat was attended by 1500 people, both from various parts of the country as well as from abroad. 10 people who attended the congregation had died of COVID-19. Despite overt symptoms of coronavirus, the rabid Islamists of Tablighi Jamaat have shown a recalcitrant attitude to cooperate with the authorities and a malevolent desire to infect those who are helping them to fight the contagion.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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