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Here is a short list of anti-Brahmin people and ideas Congress has nurtured and supported

While it tries to paint the UP Government as being 'anti-Brahmin', it needs to be remembered here that the Congress party's own relationship with the Brahmin Community has been one of 'run with the hare and hunt with the hounds'.

Ever since law enforcement authorities in Uttar Pradesh started going after Vikas Dubey and his associates, the Congress party has been trying to paint the Yogi Government as ‘anti-Brahmin’. The Congress party is attempting to use the caste of a dreaded gangster to shore up political support for itself at a time when it is facing political irrelevance.

At the heart of it is senior Congress leader and former Union Minister Jitin Prasada. He said that the Congress party will reach out to the Brahmin community through the ‘Brahmin Chetna Samvad’. It was claimed that the Yogi Government has been neglecting the Brahmin community and the issues faced by them weren’t addressed.

It is pertinent to mention here that the ‘Brahman Chetna Samvad’ was floated around the same time when the Police was searching for Vikas Dubey. It has also been pointed out that the Congress party is using WhatsApp groups to run a concerted campaign to paint the Yogi Government as ‘anti-Brahmin’.

While it tries to paint the UP Government as being ‘anti-Brahmin’, it needs to be remembered here that the Congress party’s own relationship with the Brahmin Community has been one of ‘run with the hare and hunt with the hounds’. The party suddenly appears to have developed a soft spot for Brahmins but all this while, they have nurtured and supported elements who have made it a point of order to hurl obscenities at the community.

The Bhim Army

Ahead of the Lok Sabha Elections in 2019, Priyanka Gandhi went out of her way to court Bhim Army Chief Ravan’s support for the polls. Ravan was, of course, not sympathetic to the party and he made it amply clear but that did not dissuade the daughter of Sonia Gandhi’s daughter from attempting to ally with him.

When he was injured and in a hospital, Priyanka Gandhi even went to meet him and it was after Ravan had said that he did not wish to meet her. The Bhim Army has created a space for itself through its incessant rants against ‘Brahminism’. He is also accused of involvement in caste violence but that hasn’t stopped the Congress party from soliciting his support.

Thus, while the Congress party now suddenly is catering to the Brahmin Community, they have a history of supporting leaders who foment hatred along caste lines.

Udit Raj

The All India Parisangh, a Dalit organisation run by Congress leader Udit Raj, compared the Brahmin community to pigs. It posted an image of a pig wearing the janeu, the sacred thread that Brahmins wear. It also claimed that the Judiciary is comprised of only Brahmins. It wasn’t the first time that the organisation has engaged in such rhetoric against Brahnmins.

After Arnab Goswami questioned Sonia Gandhi over her silence on the lynching of Sadhus on Palghar, the All India Parisangh said that ‘only a Brahmin can fall as low as Arnav Goswami has fallen’. A complaint was registered against the same by a social worker from Rajasthan’s Bikaer with the Cyber Crime Branch in New Delhi.

Jignesh Mevani

It is widely known that Jignesh Mevani was elected to the Gujarat Assembly with support from the Congress party even though he did not contest elections on a Congress ticket. In 2018, during the Bhima Koregaon violence, he was heard calling for people to take the battle to the streets against the modern ‘Peshwais’.

It was alleged that due to Mevani’s remarks, tensions erupted in the state between two communities. It was claimed that violence broke out in the state due to his comment. Since then, Mevani has riled up people along caste lines on numerous occasions and ranted incessantly against ‘Brahminical forces’.

There have been other occasions when Mevani has made derogatory remarks against Prime Minister Modi and spread misinformation regarding alleged atrocities on Dalits in his bid to foment tensions along caste lines.

Nitin Raut

Maharashtra Cabinet Minister and the Chairman of the All India Congress Committee for SC department, Nitin Raut, attacked the Brahmin community over the CAA-NRC saga. Speaking about the CAA, NRC and NPR, Raut questioned if the Brahmin community ‘who have come from abroad’ will teach them about furnishing identity certificates.

“If you ask me to furnish my grandfather’s certificate, I can show you. Dr Ambedkar helped me to get an opportunity to receive education even while being a Dalit. So, I can bring my grandfather’s certificate. But what about those who were not privileged enough to receive an education? These Brahmins, who themselves came from abroad, teach us about common sense? I will never let this happen,” said Raut.

Anti-Brahmin ideas nurtured by the Congress party

Quite clearly, the Congress party has no love for the Brahmin community. After trying its best to court elements that are antithetical to communal harmony, the party has switched plank to gather support of the Brahmin community. After having been discarded by every community, the Congress party is now looking to garner the support of a community it has long further hate against.

It also needs to be remembered that the ecosystem the Congress party has established over the years has normalised hatred of Brahmins to a great degree. The Congress ecosystem can often be found making statements and raising placards such as ‘Smash Brahminical Patriarchy’. It finds a way to blame Brahmins for everything under the Sun.

The Congress ecosystem also works towards demonising the Janeu and supported numerous individuals who harbour a virulent hatred towards the Brahmin community. For instance, Rahul Gandhi expressed his support towards Kancha Ilaiah after three of the latter’s books were removed by Delhi University.

Kancha Ilaiah is known to propagate hatred against Brahmins. He also claimed once that India did not progress due to Brahmins and has made a whole career out of demonising Brahmins. That, however, did not stop the former Congress president from extending his support to him. And after supporting such entities, the Congress party props him up as a ‘Janeudhari Hindu’ to avert a backlash from Brahmins.

Moreover, in their bid to absolve Islamic genocidal maniacs of all sins, Marxist historians patronised by the Congress party promulgated a twisted theory that Islam increased its power in India because oppressed castes converted out of Hinduism due to atrocities committed by Brahmins. The extent of the perversity of this argument needs to be understood here.

The Congress party has nurtured an ecosystem where it is genuinely believed that Brahmins are so evil that the only way for Dalits to escape oppression is by converting out of Hinduism. The Congress ecosystem actually believes this and promotes this. Needless to say, the consequence of such a toxic narrative has been that it is driving Hindu communities apart from each other and Brahmins are demonised beyond recognition.

Simultaneously, the Congress party and its ecosystem have only been overeager to lend their support to ‘Urban Naxals’. Even Naxals are brainwashed using the trope that Brahmins are out to take over their resources. All of this has led to a situation where Hindu communities are growing apart from each other.

Furthermore, the caste politics that the Congress party engages has the same effect. It also needs to be mentioned here that Sonia Gandhi did not come out to issue even a single statement against the brutal lynching of Sadgus at Palghar.

Under such circumstances, it is rather ironical that the Congress party is forced to solicit support from a community it has reviled for years. Threatened by political irrelevance, it is working towards building a vote-bank comprised of Brahmins. Even then, it is using the death of a gangster who himself allegedly murdered quite a few Brahmins to gather support for itself.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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Searched termsanti-Brahmin Congress
K Bhattacharjee
K Bhattacharjee
Black Coffee Enthusiast. Post Graduate in Psychology. Bengali.

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