Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNews ReportsOld Hindu temple demolished, idols and relics thrown out in Karachi, Pakistan

Old Hindu temple demolished, idols and relics thrown out in Karachi, Pakistan

Pakistani activist Rahat Austin had tweeted that this is the third such attack on a Hindu temple in the last 20 days in the country.

While Pakistan is outraging against France after French President Macron vocally criticised radical Islamist ideology, the country has terribly failed in protecting its own religious minorities. Crimes against religious minorities from abduction and forceful conversion of non-Muslims girls to desecration of temples are a routine in the country.

Recently, an old Hindu temple was reportedly demolished in Karachi, Pakistan. As per the information shared by Pakistani activist Rahat Austin on Twitter, the old Hindu temple was desecrated and the idols of deities were thrown out of the temple in Lee market, Sheetal Das, Ground Bheempura in Karachi.

Austin said that this was the third incident of desecration of Hindu temple in Pakistan in 20 days. “They think that they can force people to respect their religion and to stop them to criticise by beheading and terror. This is not 6th century Sir. You can only get respect if you give respect to others”, he tweeted.

Pre-partition Hanuman temples demolished in Pakistan

In August this year, a pre-partition Hanuman Mandir in Pakistan’s Lyari district was demolished by a builder at a construction site. The Hindu families living nearby the temple said that they were given assurance by the builder that the temple would not be harmed and yet the temple was demolished. According to locals, the builders took advantage of the lockdown as no one was visiting the temple.

The month before, the construction of a new Sri Krishna temple was halted after radical extremists in Islamabad after they razed the boundary wall of the temple to the ground. The hardliners had opposed the construction of the temple claiming that it was contrary to the idea of Pakistan.

Houses of Hindus set ablaze in Sindh to force them to convert

Recently, days ago, the homes of Hindus belonging to the highly marginalised and socio-economically backward Bheel and Meghwal community were set on fire in Pakistan to force them to convert to Islam. In September, 171 Hindu men, women and children belonging to the Bheel community were forcefully converted to Islam in the Sindh province of Pakistan.

Religious minorities in Pakistan have to undergo humiliation and suffering every day with no redressal of their grievances.

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