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After targeting Tucker Carlson, US Dept of Defense mocked for old ‘beauty influencer’ ad discussing makeup under army regulations

The woman, who identified herself as a 'beauty influencer' and 'diversity activist' talked about how the army shaped her 'makeup career'. The video began with Jackie Aina's rap music before she took netizens by surprise with her experience doing makeup in the military.

Days after the US military launched a comprehensive propaganda campaign against Fox News host Tucker Carlson, netizens are now mocking the US Department of Defence for a 2019 advertisement featuring a beauty influencer.

About two years ago in May 2019, the US Department of Defence had shared the story of one Jackie Aina, who has served in the reserve force of the United States Army. The woman, who identified herself as a ‘beauty influencer’ and ‘diversity activist’ talked about how the army shaped her ‘makeup career’. The video began with Jackie Aina’s rap music before she took netizens by surprise with her experience doing makeup in the military.

“A lot of experiences that I have gone through in my time of service taught me a lot about leadership. I felt like I learnt how to (work) in a professional setting, command a group or teach a class and do it with confidence I definitely learnt a lot about challenging myself. I did not if I would fail or if I would succeed. At that time, it did not matter to me,” the influencer said.

She further added, “I made a video years ago about how to makeup with Army regulations. I wanted to show that people in the Army are like normal people. There are musicians, photographers and people from the industry that do makeup just like me but also put on a uniform and serve our country. That was a very cool, reletable way of showing that I am like a normal person. I do a unique job but I am a normal person.”

Netizens slam Department of Defence for promoting ‘wokeism’

The tweet by the Department of Defence promoting the idea of ‘makeup’ and ‘beautification’, contrary to military skills and competence, did not go down well with netizens. Against the backdrop of US President Joe Biden’s decision to bring about a change in ‘the culture and habits of the US military’, social media users were miffed at the infiltration of ‘woke culture’ within the military.

“This is embarrassing. Delete it,” wrote one user. “This is just f*cking embarrassing. Our enemies are watching,” another user pointed out.

Social media users also pointed out that the US Department of Defence is promoting wrong ideas about the US military, at a time of when the country faces the biggest threat from China. A user, Foxtrot Utah, tweeted, “China definitely gonna kick our a**.” Another Twitter user said, “The top Chinese military commander just said that war with the US is *INEVITABLE* and this is what you chose to focus on.”

Netizens also pointed out about the ‘unprofessional’ conduct of the ‘diversity activist’. “God have mercy on these lost souls and the poor tax payers of America,” wrote Ryan Michael.

Tucker Carlson, Joe Biden administration and the targeting by US military

The US Department of Defence faced the wrath of social media after it issued a stunning criticism of conservative host Tucker Carlson for questioning the identity politics of Joe Biden on March 10. The talk show host had argued that the objective of the Military is not social justice but to win wars. He criticised the decision of the Biden administration to promote ‘maternity flight suits’ at a press conference.

“So we’ve got new hairstyles and maternity flight suits… Pregnant women are going to going to fight our wars. It’s a mockery of the US military. While China’s military becomes more masculine … our military needs to become, as Joe Biden says, more feminine,” Carlson remarked. “I want to be very clear right up front, that the diversity of our military is one of our greatest strengths,” said Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby.

This is despite the fact that the US military has struggled to win any of its numerous wars in recent times. In a bizarre turn of events, the entire top brass of the military singled out the journalist for a targeted political propaganda campaign. It soon drew the ire of Conservative leaders and netizens alike who expressed concern over the politicised conduct of the military.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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