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HomeEntertainmentWoke 'activists' now get Bollywood support over NCERT controversy, Sonam Kapoor steps in: Details

Woke ‘activists’ now get Bollywood support over NCERT controversy, Sonam Kapoor steps in: Details

Sonam Kapoor shared a post by 'yesweexist' on her Instagram story, which spoke about a 'transphobic' campaign against one of the members of the team that produced the document, Vikramaditya Sahai (VQueeram).

Actress Sonam Kapoor, daughter of Anil Kapoor, has stepped in to support the woke ‘activists’ over the NCERT training manual controversy. The training manual for teachers, published by the Department of Gender Studies at NCERT, attracted a lot of criticism after endorsing gender identity ideology and suggesting a series of bizarre ideas such as puberty blockers.

Sonam Kapoor shared a post by ‘yesweexist’ on her Instagram story, which spoke about a ‘transphobic’ campaign against one of the members of the team that produced the document, Vikramaditya Sahai (VQueeram).

The story shared by the actress said, “Not only did the complaint filed by a former RSS worker against NCERT’s training to sensitise teachers about LGBTQIA+ children lead to the takedown of the training manual from the NCERT website, but at the same time, one of the team members who designed the manual, VQueeram Aditya Sahai, is being subjected to online harassment, transphobia, body shaming, stalking, moral policing and doxing by right-wing digital media organisations and internet bullies.”

Instagram story of Sonam Kapoor

All the charges leveled are outright false. Past comments made by VQueeram about Hindus and men have gone viral on the internet after the NCERT training manual was published. Furthermore, there is no question of ‘doxing’ as all information about VQueeram is available on public domain.

The individual is being criticised for their controversial stances they has taken in public, available on public platforms. Apart from that, Vikramaditya Sahai is also being criticised for posting semi-nude photographs of themself on Instagram which was public until recently. People are questioning whether someone who posts such photographs should have any say in the education of children. However, LGBT activists are labeling valid criticism of a public figure as ‘transphobia’ in order to shutdown genuine criticism of the individual.

Sonam Kapoor has stepped in to aid such efforts at silencing critics of a public figure. She has also another post by the same account.

Instagram story of Sonam Kapoor

OpIndia journalist @YearOfTheKraken has also been targeted by such activists. The journalist has been accused of perpetrating a “brutal attack” against the activist. It was falsely claimed that the journalist indulged in “body shaming” and “trolling Vqueeram’s politics against caste and gender-based violence”.

Gaysi Family claimed, “One troll, whose handle is @YearOfTheKraken, was particularly committed to the smear campaign against Vqueeram. @YearOfTheKraken, who, of course, is enjoying the immunity by being a nameless and faceless figure on social media, is using “shame” and “respectability” politics to vilify and question Vqueeram’s work by posting pictures from the latter’s Instagram account.”

The NCERT training manual that sparked the controversy said, “The use of toilet , an infrastructural facility, is used to condition children into binary gender; female children are conditioned to use the toilets labeled ‘girls’ and male children are to use the toilet marked for ‘boys’.”

It claimed, “Children, who face gender dysphoria, feel conflict/dilemma while choosing the toilet that they feel comfortable. This is mainly because their self-concept and social expectations of their body do not coincide with each other. Therefore, presence of binaries in infrastructure also creates conflicts for gender nonconforming children who find it difficult to make a choice; at such a young age, it is an emotionally charged decision that additionally burdens them.”

Apart from that, the document blamed ‘Caste patriarchy’ for stigma against the transgender community. Since then, the document has been taken down by the NCERT from its website.

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