The court of Additional Sessions Judge Anil Antil of Delhi on December 3 rejected the petition of real estate barons Sushil and Gopal Ansal brothers and others seeking suspension of their seven-year jail term for tampering with evidence in the 1997 Uphaar Cinema fire tragedy case.
The fire had broken out during the screening of the Hindi film ‘Border’ on June 13, 1997, claiming 59 lives.
They are in jail after Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM), Patiala House Court Dr. Pankaj Sharma on November 8 awarded a seven-year jail term and a fine of Rs 2.25 crore each on the two in this matter. The court also convicted former court staff Dinesh Chand Sharma besides P P Batra and Anoop Singh.
“After thinking over nights and nights, I have come to the conclusion that they deserve punishment,” the judge Dr. Pankaj Sharma had said while awarding punishment to Ansal brothers. The court had held them guilty under sections 409, 201, 120B of IPC.
The court had passed a scathing verdict and slammed the Ansal brothers for attacking the very purity and sanctity of the justice system and said their regrets over the incident were hollow.
This is for the second time when Ansal brothers were convicted by the court. In 2015, the Supreme Court sentenced them to two years of imprisonment for criminal negligence since they not only owned Uphaar cinema, they were also directly managing day to day affairs. But after spending about five months in jail, the apex court in August released them on the payment of a fine of Rs 30 Crore each for the construction of a trauma centre in Delhi.
Ansal brothers tempering with evidence
Later on, it was found that the Ansal brothers in conspiracy with HS Panwar and others destroyed the most vital piece of evidence collected by the CBI against them. This evidence was capable of proving their complicity in the main case. The court said they deserve punishment for making the justice dispensation system the victim.