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N Ram pats his own back for a pompous, gassy editorial in The Hindu, The Wire has a monumental meltdown: Fallout of SC decision on Article 370

N.Ram, Siddarth Varadarajan and their ilk know very well that the Parliament can split or not split a state even when there is an elected government in place and the legislature wishes otherwise.

On December 11th, the Supreme Court upheld the abolition of the dreaded Article 370 (I know it was repealed and therefore while Article 370 still exists in the Constitution, the original dreaded purpose for which it was intended doesn’t exist anymore). Certain sections of the English media; certain sections of the I.N.D.I alliance and the entire Congress party went bonkers over this decision of the Supreme Court. Watching their meltdowns gave me goosebumps, literally. Am sure that their WhatsApp groups buzzed with messages on what should be their best strategy on this topic. The line of argument they have chosen to bombard their readers/viewers is – Attack on Federalism! 

A long, pompous and gassy editorial was published in his newspaper, The Hindu (we will get it later in this article). N. Ram showed utmost humility and described his editorial as “clear-sighted and insightful”. A former CEO of The Hindu group of publications, Rajiv C. Lochan, dared to call out this humility of N.Ram on Twitter here (“Beware when one pats one’s own back”. He went on to comment that “the pervasive use of adjectives can’t strengthen a relatively weak set of arguments”. Rajiv Lochan was telling N. Ram that just because he used good English doesn’t mean that this editorial is insightful. 

Now, the unparalleled arrogance of N. Ram is well known. Occasionally he takes it upon himself to prove it yet again to all his readers. Rajiv Lochan provided the best opportunity for N. Ram to exhibit his famed arrogance and intolerance in public. True to his image, N. Ram use a lot of English words to convey a simple meaning. I would urge you to read the image below and have a hearty laugh at N. Ram’s meltdown! He is telling Rajiv Lochan that a mere CEO should shut up because there is no one better than N.Ram to have opinions in this whole world. How can a mere CEO comment in public about matters as trivial as Article 370? Imagine N. Ram’s attitude towards mere citizens if he goes bombastic like this on his former CEO! 

After reading the “clear-sighted and insightful” editorial about 3 to 5 times, I was able to find 2 sentences that summarized the arguments of the entire English media gang. The title of the editorial makes it sound like doomsday is near and we will die because of what the Supreme Court did! 

I have highlighted the relevant portion in the editorial that tells us that Parliament can now do anything while keeping a state under the President’s rule. This was what his compatriots at The Wire were also shrieking about. The meltdown at The Wire was even more monumental in proportions. Multiple opinion pieces popped up in a short time – all telling us the same thing – that there is no difference left between “democracy and dictatorship”; that there are “Serious implications” for the entire country; that this is an “attack on the basic structure of federalism”; and the best of all – Many “locals had feared” that they have been pushed into “meaningful silence”!

Think about what these people are writing folks. What is wrong with “meaningful silence”? What is wrong with anything that is classified as “meaningful”? How can you use the word “meaningful” as a consequence of having “fear” to want it? 

N.Ram, Siddarth Varadarajan and their ilk know very well that the Parliament can split or not split a state even when there is an elected government in place and the legislature wishes otherwise. When she was the CM of UP, Mayawati passed a resolution in the UP Assembly asking the centre to split into 4 states. The then Home Minister flatly rejected the resolution. The disastrous manner in which AP was split into TS and AP is still fresh in many minds. The AP Legislature resolved that the state should not be split. Did that stop Sonia Gandhi from taking a stand otherwise? Examples galore exist on this topic. Starting from 1956 when their hero Nehru suspended the first elected communist government in the world in Kerala using a “brute majority” in Parliament. 

We can further discuss the language of Articles 1,2 and 3 in the Constitution of India. It wouldn’t serve any purpose for these people. We are approaching 10 years of Modi government. Despite their wonderful knowledge of the English language, these editors and owners have not been able to find new words, in the past 10 years, to describe their contempt towards the people of India for electing Modi. By rehashing the same words, and in the garb of being “insightful” and “clear-sighted”, all that these people have succeeded in was to show us how blinded they are to the reality of a new emerging Bharat. A Bharat that will embrace all meaningful decisions and leave behind all the meaningless trash these people dish out every day. 

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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S. Sudhir Kumar
S. Sudhir Kumar
Obsessive eater, Compulsive sleeper, Repulsive Writer

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