Monday, June 17, 2024

Archives of OpIndia

Open Letter to JNUites from a Social Science Researcher of IIT

Discuss, debate, dissent but please, don’t be disloyal.

Why Indian media is against Arnab but India isn’t

Top journalists and commentators want 'boycott' of Arnab, but the people appear to be standing with him. Why?

Free Speech: Kamlesh Tiwari vs JNU

How can you support people like Umar Khalid who have links to Jaish?

“Kejriwal-Insults-Hanuman” trends on Twitter as outrage over Kejriwal’s tweet grows

Kejriwal is being accused of insulting Hindus and Lord Hanuman

A lesson in free speech for our blabbering commentators

Saving Free speech from the JNU bullies

Dear Facebook, instead of free basics, how about giving us free speech?

Facebook has been using arbitrary rules to block and delete content making life miserable for users

Liberal outcry over JNU – a genuine topic for research in hypocrisy

The so-called liberals of India are a fit case for research in double standards and hypocrisies.

Degree Wapasi storm threatens to hit JNU?

There is nothing like paying someone back in their own coin. 

Has Twitter given away entire Jammu & Kashmir to China and Pakistan?

The website was not giving the option of India at all when users searched for Jammu or Kashmir.

From selling his kidney to Gold at the South Asian games: The journey of Ravi Dixit

How social media helped a young Indian squash player.

Mumbai or Bombay – The Independent’s stunt

A poorly thought, lazy exhibit of liberalism

Headley names Ishrat Jahan, but will India’s “secular” brigade accept?

The truth about Ishrat Jahan is out, but some still dont want to see it

JNU student talks about the hypocrisy of the Left in JNU

The history of violence of communism is very old. A JNU student talks about hypocrisy of FOE and JNU.

In ‘intolerant’ India, open support to terrorists from educated Indians

Anti-National activities on the rise in India - JNU and Kashmir

Disapproval vs Censorship

Legitimacy of modern App Wapsi protests

The 7 deadly sins of Indian journalism

How and Why Indian MSM has become what it is

Modi Government’s Communication Failure

Modi has lost his media mojo

India in the Secular Era

A satirical take on the future which may India may see

Hit-Job: Owaisi never said BJP-AIMIM alliance will wipe out Congress

Owaisi never said he wants to ally with BJP

Tanzanian student case: Was Bangalore shamed without complete information?

Was the girl really stripped and paraded naked?

Top Lies spread by Indian Media in January 2016

Big Lies: 1. Multiple media houses: Arunachal Governor cites 'Cowslaughter' as the reason of President's rule Reports such as the above have been circulating in many media...

Is the situation in India not conducive for differently-abled people?

A differently abled person speaks about his experience

Homosexuality and Hinduism

Homosexuality and Hinduism

Truth of Delhi police hitting a ‘girl’ during protests

Police brutality is unacceptable, but so are media lies.

Bhak Stops Here: The news that made news – January 2016

Analysis of top stories which we consumed during January

Why the “right to pray” debate is stupid and lacks nuanced understanding of the issue

An obtuse argument has been floated in the name of Right to Pray.

Right to worship: The good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of the ‘debate’

Is it about women’s rights or taking away community rights?

Hitjob on Gen V K Singh: He did not touch Amit Shah’s feet

Not just media, even social media can be a fertile place for hitjobs.

Man arrested for writing facebook post on Tipu Sultan. Freedom of Expression not discussed

Man arrested for a facebook post against Tipu Sultan; Media doesn't care about him

Why you must watch Airlift

A story which every Indian must know

Shramdaan Team magnifies Swachh Bharat campaign to more than 100 cities this time

Shramdaan India team goes across different corners of India; makes the Clean India mission larger than previous time

NDTV’s Sabarimala Debate: High on Anti-Hindu Bigotry, Low on Content

I was invited to participate in NDTV’s Sabarimala Debate. Far from a research-based discussion, it was an anti-Hindu gameshow

Is Nehru’s ‘Bose is a War Criminal” letter fake? – what the Declassified documents say

Even though it's part of declassified files, Congress claims the letter is fake.

Rohith’s father blows the lid over his caste, says his son was “murdered”, attacks vulture politics

Massive twist to Rohit Vemula "Dalit" "Suicide" case as the father speaks up on various issues

Dalit Politics in light of Rohith Vemula’s suicide

Why the oppressed narrative is here to stay

Rohith’s suicide note: What the leftists don’t want to read

A tragic end to a promising life, thanks to student politics.

19 January 1990: The dark day of Kashmir which will haunt us for decades

19 January 1990 will keep reminding us how a democratic system which boasts about secularism failed miserably

All you need to know about StartUp India: Opportunities and Concerns

StartUp India, an ambitious move in the right direction

Rahul Gandhi’s comeback: Fail speech and inconvenience to Mumbaikars

Rahul Gandhi inconveniences Mumbaikars on his comeback

Our apologists made a romantic hero out of a cold-blooded terrorist, yet again

Masood Azhar finds sympathizers and apologists in India.

The making of a terror apologist; A tribute to the practitioners of this art

A terror apology needs its author to be highly accomplished to be able to pull it off a credible piece. Very challenging vocation, indeed!

Who is behind the Twitter handle Adarsh Liberal?

Adarsh Liberal has become an online legend