Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeMediaThis is the proof that Rajdeep Sardesai had asked tough questions to Akhilesh Yadav

This is the proof that Rajdeep Sardesai had asked tough questions to Akhilesh Yadav

This is disgusting to see Sanghis falsely accuse fiercely independent and impartial journalist like Rajdeep Sardesai of being soft on Akhilesh Yadav in a TV interview. This is another example of how Sanghis have become bigger threat to this nation than ISIS.

This is also an example of how Sanghis have low IQ and don’t understand high level questions that was asked by Rajdeep. It is sad that some people have fallen for this propaganda, and this is why it is important to put facts on the table.

Just look at the following questions that are similar to those asked by Rajdeep, which has been wrongly portrayed as soft questions by Sanghis.

Outwardly they may look soft, but the intention – hidden from low IQ Sanghis – is pretty tough. Look at these:

Question asked: Where do you go for a vacation?

Toughness inside: Since law and order situation in UP is pathetic, As the Chief Minister of the state, where do you go for a vacation to get away from all this?

Question asked: Do you like to watch television?

Toughness inside: Since power supply in the state is erratic and power cuts are routine, as the CM of the state, how do you manage to watch your favourite TV shows or sporting events?

Question asked: You are always working. Do you meditate to keep yourself calm?

Toughness inside: Since there have been several communal incidents in the state during the past 5 years, which have kept the administration busy. As the CM of the state, how often do you meditate to keep yourself calm?

Question asked: Do you miss out on long drives?

Toughness inside: Since the roads in the state are in a terrible situation, as the CM of the state, do you miss out on long drives?

Question asked: How much sugar will you take in the tea, sir?

Toughness inside: Since sugarcane farmers in the state are in great distress, as the CM of the state, how much sugar do you take in a cup of tea?


So you see people? The questions were soft from outside, but were very tough from inside. You can call it nutcoco* journalism.

*Nutcoco (soft from outside but tough from inside) is opposite of coconut, which is soft from inside but tough from outside.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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