Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeSocial MediaBJP social media head gets trolled for downplaying Gurdaspur bypoll loss

BJP social media head gets trolled for downplaying Gurdaspur bypoll loss

Following the death of BJP MP, veteran actor Vinod Khanna, Gurdaspur, which is in Punjab, recently held a bypoll where Congress won by a margin of 1.93 lakh votes. BJP social media head Amit Malviya took to Twitter to express apparent glee that while the BJP lost, at least it didn’t fare as badly as the Aam Aadmi Party, whose candidate even lost the deposit.

This did not go down to well, even with BJP supporters, who are often condescendingly referred to as ‘Bhakts’ and also accused of being paid supporters of the BJP.

As many supporters said, perhaps it is time for the BJP to introspect and set the priorities right. And learn a bit of humility and grace to accept setbacks.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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Nirwa Mehta
Nirwa Mehta
Politically incorrect. Author, Flawed But Fabulous.

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