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HomeSocial MediaCongress downplays Israeli PM Netanyahu's India visit by putting out a juvenile and offensive...

Congress downplays Israeli PM Netanyahu’s India visit by putting out a juvenile and offensive video

On Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s maiden visit to India, when India is looking forward to strengthening bilateral relations with Israel, Congress Twitter account put out a juvenile video making fun of Prime Minister Narendra Modi greeting world leaders and calling it ‘hugplomacy’.

In the video, Prime Minister Modi is shown hugging leaders of other countries, including US President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Netanyahu is the second Prime Minister of Israel to visit India, the first PM being Ariel Sharon in 2003, during Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s tenure. Netanyahu’s visit comes within 6 months of Prime Minister Modi’s historic visit to Israel. While Israel is a key partner in areas of defence and agriculture, there is huge scope for co-operation in cyber security, water management and tourism as well.

However, Congress’ juvenile attempt at trivialising the historic step didn’t get many takers. Twitter users were quick to point out how Congress’ attempt at failed humour is unbecoming of an Opposition.

As people pointed out, perhaps political differences aside, when it comes to international relations and diplomacy, the grand old party of Indian politics is expected to maintain some decorum and dignity.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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