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HomeNews ReportsFollowing India, UK applauds their healthcare workers amidst coronavirus pandemic

Following India, UK applauds their healthcare workers amidst coronavirus pandemic

The British Royal family and the Prime Minister too joined the well-wishers in their activity to hail the services provided by the healthcare workers in such distressing times. British celebrities and sports stars also participated in the pandemonium to express their gratefulness towards the healthcare workers.

At 5 PM on Sunday, March 22, 2020, Indians from all walks of life across the country came out to heed PM Modi’s call to express gratitude for doctors, nurses, healthcare workers and other people involved in discharging essential duties even as the menace of novel coronavirus brought the country of 1.3 billion people to a grinding halt. While many condescending westerners and “liberals” mocked India for paying an emotional tribute to its care workers for working round the clock to contain the spread and treat the sick, the United Kingdom took a cue from India to thank their carers involved in tirelessly battling the coronavirus in their respective countries.

In the United Kingdom which has seen a recent spike in the coronavirus case, owing to British PM Boris Johnson’s laissez-faire approach to tackling the virus initially, thousands of Britons joined in the show of support for the National Health Service workers involved in providing healthcare facility to those in the grips of the deadly pathogen. Akin to their Indian counterparts, Britons in the UK flocked to their balconies and windows and clapped for the carers as a mark of respect and applaud for their work in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.

The British Royal family and the Prime Minister too joined the well-wishers in their activity to hail the services provided by the healthcare workers in such distressing times. British celebrities and sports stars also participated in the pandemonium to express their gratefulness towards the healthcare workers.

Hollywood actor Daniel Craig joined in nationwide applause in honour of NHS workers during the coronavirus lockdown on Thursday.

Legendary footballer David Beckham and Rio Ferdinand too extended their tributes for the healthcare workers amidst the coronavirus crisis.

The raging coronavirus has affected more than 530,000 people globally, causing at least 24000 deaths up until now. Italy has been the worst-hit country by the pathogen, registering one-third of the total global deaths. The United States is leading the world in the total number of coronavirus cases. After wreaking havoc in China during its initial days, the Wuhan coronavirus has shifted its epicentre to Europe now as different European countries are scrambling to stem the spread of the virus. About 11600 people are so far tested positive for the COVID-19 in the United Kingdom, with about 578 deaths.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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