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Liberals suffer a meltdown after PM Modi announces Rs 20 lakh crore economic relief package to restart the economy

PM Modi's efforts to revive the Indian economy did not sit well with the usual suspects who did not waste any time in criticising the country's Prime Minister for announcing the package that the country desperately deserved

PM Modi today announced a comprehensive economic stimulus to push the country towards self-reliance and attempt to redress the damage caused by the coronavirus lockdown that has been in force since the last week of March after the country was hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

In a massive boost to the paralysed economy, PM Modi announced a staggering Rs 20 lakh crores economic package. “I announce a special economic package today. This will play an important role in the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’. The announcements made by the government over COVID, decisions of RBI and today’s package totals to Rs 20 Lakh Crores. This is 10% of India’s GDP,” Modi said.

However, PM Modi’s efforts to revive the Indian economy did not sit well with the usual suspects who did not waste any time in criticising the country’s Prime Minister for announcing the package that the country desperately deserved. Soon after PM Modi announced a Rs 20 trillion package to shore up the country’s moribund economy, left-leaning liberals and ‘journalists’ had a meltdown on Twitter, expressing their misgivings about the country’s ability to fund such a massive economic stimulus.

Habitual fake news peddler, Ashok Swain, who harbours pathological hatred for PM Modi, took to Twitter to mock the solemn announcement made by PM Modi. Questioning how would PM Modi get 10 per cent of the GDP to bankroll the economic stimulus package, Swain derisively wondered if India would print money like Zimbabwe to get the amount announced by PM Modi.

The Wire journalist Arfa Khanum, out of force of her habit to ridicule PM Modi, wondered as to with whom PM Modi was talking to in his briefing to the nation.

Propagandist masquerading as a journalist, Mihir Sharma, already proceeded to dismiss the relief package announced by PM Modi as exaggerated and raised aspersions on whether it will be truly Rs 20 trillion as declared by him. He also raised doubts over how would such a large amount be paid by the government, wondering whether the government will burrow, tax or print money to fulfil its commitment.

Now that PM Modi announced a financial package comparable to the developed countries who have already declared their stimulus packages, propagandists have chosen to continue attacking PM Modi, albeit, on how would he manage to arrange such a huge amount for the resumption of the economy. Congress supporter Tehseen Poonawala raised doubts over how the government of India would raise such a staggering amount, alleging PM Modi of being condescending towards the citizens for not revealing the nitty-gritty of his relief package.

Compulsive hate-monger and dubious journalist Nikhil Waghle could not bring himself to acknowledge the colossal economic package announced by PM Modi to remedy the paralysed economy. Instead, as a perpetual nitpicker, Waghle manifested his Modi-hatred by dragging in the issue of migrant workers.

It has been a standard tic for these set of people to perpetually remain disgruntled with PM Modi and continue finding trivial and inconsequential faults with his announcements. It is pertinent to note that until now the same coterie was slamming PM Modi for not aping the developed countries in declaring the stimulus package and not announcing a relief package that would correspond to the extent of damage caused by the coronavirus lockdown.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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