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From vowing to reconstruct ‘Babri Masjid’ to casting aspersions on Supreme Court for Ayodhya verdict, Islamists trend #BabriYaadRahega

28 years after the disputed structure at Ram Janmabhoomi often referred to as 'Babri Masjid' was demolished, radical Islamists took to social media to vow its reconstruction

Today is the 28th anniversary of Babri Demolition. On December 6, 1992, hundreds of Karsevaks brought down the disputed structure at Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya. On the anniversary of the unplanned demolition of the structure, Islamists are trending #BabriYaadRahegi and posting hateful comments about Hindus.

Popular Front of India (PFI), a radical Islamist outfit, has issued a poster in remembrance of the disputed structure. In the poster, it is written, “Babri will rise one day” and “Lest we forget.” The poster is being widely shared by PFI supports across India with the hashtag #BabriYaadRahegi.

Several other radical Islamists have shared similar hateful tweets on the social media platform. One user Seraj Ahmed called the Karsewaks terrorists and alleged that the Indian judicial system has failed to deliver justice.

While some called it a shame for Democratic country and said they would tell their children how Babri Masjid was demolished, others have called the Supreme Court’s decision to allow construction of Ram Mandir an ‘unjust judgment.’

A user has alleged that the intention was not to demolish a structure on Ram Janmbhoomi but the aim was to demolish a mosque. A student from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Afreen Fatima said that Babri was there, it is there and it will remain there. In January, she spoke against the verdict and called Afzal Guru innocent in one of her speeches at anti-CAA protests. Fatima was one of the popular faces of anti-CAA protests that led to the anti-Hindu riots in February 2020.

The landmark judgement of November 9

On November 9, 2019, the Supreme Court of India favored Ram Lalla Virajmaan and handed over the disputed land to the Hindus in its landmark judgment. The court had asked the central government to form a trust that will take over the construction of Bhavya Ram Mandir. The Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust was formed in February 2020. On August 5, Bhoomipujan was performed at Ram Janmabhoomi to begin the construction of the temple in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several other leaders and saints. The construction of the temple is expected to complete in two years.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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