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HomeNews ReportsAs outrage over brutal murder of Rinku Sharma grows, Bajrang Dal and VHP decide...

As outrage over brutal murder of Rinku Sharma grows, Bajrang Dal and VHP decide to organise events to pay tribute in 2500 places across India

VHP announced that they would be organising programs in 2500 places nationwide to pay tribute to Rinku Sharma, for which, a memorandum would be sent to the President of India.

Bajrang Dal activist Rinku Sharma’s merciless killing sent shockwaves throughout the country. Except for a handful, most people have come out to condemn the act of savagery by a frenzied Muslim mob, who wreaked vengeance on the 25-year-old youth, simply because Rinku Sharma was a part of the donation drive that was carried out by Bajrang Dal for contributing towards the construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. 

Following the brutal murder of one of their activists, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) unit of Delhi along with Bajrang Dal announced that they would be organising programs in 2500 places across the country to pay tribute to Rinku Sharma, for which, a memorandum would be sent to the President of India. Vishwa Hindu Parishad took to its official Twitter handle to announce the same.

The rage over the gory murder of the Hindu youth in Delhi’s Mangolpuri area has been proliferating. Yesterday, locals of Mangolpuri, the neighbourhood where Rinku lived carried out a candlelight march, demanding justice for him and strict action against the perpetrators.

A group of Bajrang Dal activists and VHP members had gone to Mangolpuri, yesterday, to pay condolences to the grief-stricken family of the deceased. While speaking to VHP joint general secretary and Bajrang Dal national head Surendra Jain, the inconsolable mother of the deceased recounted how when her son was in the hospital, breathing his last, he kept asking the doctors to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’.

Bajrang Dal national head Surendra Jain assured the family that the culprits are now on Bajrang Dal’s blacklist. Claiming to have all the CCTV footages, Jain told the family that the culprits would have to pay for their deeds.

He castigated the police administration for the impassivity shown in handling Rinku Sharma’s case. “Had the police authorities carried out a timely investigation, Rinku would be alive”, said Jain.

It is pertinent to note that soon after the murder, the Delhi Police had said that there was no ‘communal angle‘ to the murder. Various mainstream media reports had also suggested that Rinku Sharma’s death was due to a birthday party and business-related dispute.

However, speaking to OpIndia, Rinku Sharma’s brother and mother rejected Delhi police and media reports claims. The family attested that Rinku Sharma was murdered by Islamists because he chanted Jai Shree Ram and was collecting funds for Ram Mandir. “The story about the business dispute is false. I am requesting the media portals to stop spreading rumours about the incident”, said Rinku’s brother to OpIndia.

Today, the Rinku Sharma murder case has been transferred to the Crime Branch after questions were raised regarding the investigation by the Delhi Police and their initial assessment of the case.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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