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‘Pelt stones and hurdle bombs for Rs 5,000, legal aid will be given’: How Islamists organised the Kanpur violence

As per their alleged plan, Hayat Zafar Hashmi and Nizam Qureshi were given the work to ensure there was a ‘bandh’ during the protest. On the other hand, Mukhtar Baba, his son Mahmood, Haji Vasi, and his manager Afzal managed the crowd and ensured violence.

The Special Investigation Team (SIT) looking into the June 3 Kanpur violence has made appalling revelations during a court hearing. In the case diary, the SIT mentioned that during the investigation, they found there was a fixed rate for pelting stones and hurdling bombs during the violence. The investigation agency further noted that there was a detailed plan in connection to the violence in Kanpur, and every person involved in instigating violence had different responsibilities. They had fixed rates and came up with a methodology to pay the rioters.

During the investigation, SIT found that those who were called for the violence were assured they would get free legal aid and their family would get financial support. The people were appointed by Mukhtar Baba, the owner of Baba Biryani. The assurance of legal and financial help was given was Haji Vasi. Afzal Hamza, who is the manager of Vasi, had formed a team to instigate violence. A sum of Rs 10 lakh was paid to the rioters in advance.

Different rates were fixed for stone pelters and bombers. As per their alleged plan, Hayat Zafar Hashmi and Nizam Qureshi were given the work to ensure there was a ‘bandh’ during the protest. On the other hand, Mukhtar Baba, his son Mahmood, Haji Vasi, and his manager Afzal managed the crowd and ensured violence. Haji Kuddus was given the responsibility of getting support from the administration, and in exchange, he got a flat free of cost.

During the hearing, Bekanganj Police Station in-charge stated that builder Haji Vasi, his manager Hamza, Mukhtar Baba, and his son Mehmood Umar wanted to encroach on Chandreshwar Hata. They had promised Rs 1 crore if the rioters managed to encroach Chandreshwar Hata.

SIT noted that stone-pelters got Rs 1,000 while those who brought stones on handcarts and hurled bombs were paid Rs 5,000. Minors were “hired” to pelt stones and take part in the violence. The main idea behind hiring minors for the riots was that in case they got arrested, strict action would not be taken against them. They had promised lifetime financial support to the minors to lure them into taking part in the riots.

Kanpur Violence

Kanpur violence of June 3 happened on the pretext of alleged derogatory remarks against Prophet Muhammad by former BJP Spokesperson Nupur Sharma. Islamists had called for a district-wide shutdown. After Friday prayers, thousands of Islamists joined the rally and began pelting stones at the police and the public.

Later, the police arrested over 40 rioters in the case and demolished unlawful properties possessed by primary accused Hayat Zafar Hashmi and his associates. The police also discovered damning communications on Hashmi’s phone and investigated his bank accounts in order to track down money received from Gulf nations to allegedly support the violence.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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