On January 28, actress Rakhi Sawant’s mother, Jaya Sawant, died of cancer at a hospital in Mumbai. Sawant posted a video of crying inconsolably while her mother took her last breath. As per the story on Sawant’s Instagram account, her funeral is scheduled for 12 PM on January 29.
In the post, Sawant wrote, “Today, my mother left this world. I have nothing else left to lose. I love you, Maa. There is nothing left without you. Who will listen to my hue and cry? Who will hug me? What will I do now? Where should I go? I miss you Aai”.
Informing about the funeral, her story read, “With deep sorrow, I Rakhi Sawant, inform you of the sudden death of my beloved mother. Many of you know that she was suffering from some medical conditions, and I am sad to say that she is gone. Tomorrow, join us for the funeral service of my mother at 12:00 afternoon. Address: Municipal Christian Cemetery, Oshiwara Andheri West.”
Sawant, who recently converted to Islam as per some reports to marry Adil Khan Durrani, was heard praying to Jesus Christ to remove her mother’s pain. In the video, she said, “Father, please. Don’t give her pain. We don’t have anyone left, Father. In the name of Jesus Christ, take her. Holy Spirit, please release her.” Rakhi had earlier converted to Christianity.
Jaya Sawant was undergoing treatment for cancer. Rakhi had been sharing photographs and videos from the hospital and updating about her mother’s health. In paparazzi videos, she also requested her fans to pray for her mother.
Actors, including Jackie Shroff, commented on the video consoling Sawant on her loss. Shroff said, “I feel your pain, having lost my mom, dad, and brother; their soul will always be with us.”
Actor Pavitraa Punia said, “Stay Stying rakhi. Please take care. May God give peace to her soul. Om Shanti.”
Actor Ridhima Pandit said, “Stay strong Rakhi, sending prayers and love… May her soul rest in peace.”
Sawant recently made headlines after getting married to Adil and later getting arrested in a matter related to a complaint filed by actress Sherlyn Chopra.