In an intelligence-driven operation, the Punjab Police, in collaboration with the State Special Operation Cell, SAS Nagar, successfully thwarted a foreign-based terror module associated with the alleged Khalistan Liberation Force. The module’s sinister plot aimed to disturb peace in Punjab through targeted killings.
As a result of their swift action, the law enforcement authorities apprehended five members of the terror module who were assigned to carry out the planned target killings. Additionally, the police seized two illegal weapons along with live ammunition during the operation, as confirmed by Punjab’s Director General of Police (DGP) Gaurav Yadav in a tweet.
DGP Punjab police tweeted, “In an intelligence-led operation, the State Special Operation Cell SAS Nagar has foiled a foreign-based terror module of the Khalistan Liberation Force planning to disrupt peace in Punjab through targeted killings. 5 module members tasked to execute target killings have been arrested and 2 illegal weapons and live ammunition seized.”
5 module members tasked to execute target killings have been arrested and 2 illegal weapons and live ammunition seized @PunjabPoliceInd is committed to maintaining peace and harmony in Punjab as per vision of CM @BhagwantMann (2/2)
— DGP Punjab Police (@DGPPunjabPolice) July 29, 2023
During a recent operation, the Punjab police successfully dismantled a narco crime syndicate, which was allegedly run by gangster Ravi Balachauria. As a result of the operation, two individuals were apprehended.
The police seized a significant amount of arms and ammunition along with over one kilogram of heroin from the arrested individuals. This successful bust marks a major blow to the illicit drug trade in the region.
In a major breakthrough, @SBSNagarPolice has busted a narco-organised crime syndicate operated by gangster Ravi Balachauria
— DGP Punjab Police (@DGPPunjabPolice) July 29, 2023
2 main operatives arrested with seizure of 1.2 Kg Heroin, 3 pistols, 260 live cartridges and Rs. 1.4 lakh drug money. (1/2)
DGP Punjab Police tweeted, “In a major breakthrough, the SBS Nagar police has busted a narco-organised crime syndicate operated by gangster Ravi Balachauria 2 main operatives arrested with the seizure of 1.2 Kg Heroin, 3 pistols, 260 live cartridges and Rs. 1.4 lakh drug money. Further investigations ongoing for forward & backward linkages.”