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HomeNews ReportsJai Bhawani, Jai Shivaji: Congress spokesperson Shama Mohamed gets schooled as she tried to...

Jai Bhawani, Jai Shivaji: Congress spokesperson Shama Mohamed gets schooled as she tried to dogwhistle about PM Modi’s Germany visit

At a time when the foreign funded forces are trying to create an atmosphere of "Muslims under attack in Hindu Rashtra' on international platforms, it appeared Dr Mohamed was trying to dogwhistle to the usual propagandists.

Congress spokesperson Dr Shama Mohamed on Monday tried to dog whistle about the flag displayed by Indians in Germany while welcoming PM Modi to Brandenburg Gate.

In the video, one can see the Indian diaspora in Germany dancing traditional Maharashtrian dance steps while waving the saffron swallowtail with a V-shape flag. The ceremonial Maratha flag is Bhagwa (saffron) and has a golden jaripatta (border). Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had founded the Maratha empire and coined the term Hindavi Swarajya, the independence from the Mughal and Islamic sultanates.

Seeing the saffron flag being unfurled in Germany seemed to have set Congress leaders in panic as their spokesperson Dr Shama Mohamed questioned her followers “whose flag is that?” At a time when the foreign-funded forces are trying to create an atmosphere of “Muslims under attack in Hindu Rashtra’ on international platforms, it appeared Dr Mohamed was trying to dog whistle the usual propagandists. However, while doing so, she ended up displaying her own lack of knowledge about the proud history of India and the brave warriors.

Netizens slam Dr Shama Mohamed for dog-whistling about PM Modi’s visit to Germany over the saffron flag associated with Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Netizens were quick to remind her of the proud history of one of India’s bravest warrior kings.

At its peak, the Maratha empire covered almost entire present-day India except for part of Kerala and northeast India.

Some shared older videos where the same flag was being waved with immense pride.

Some netizens were also quite helpful and patiently explained whose flag it was. They also said how it was laughable that a spokesperson of a national party like Congress did not know anything about India’s culture.

Congress is currently an alliance partner in the ruling dispensation of Maharashtra along with Shiv Sena and the Nationalist Congress Party.

And sometimes, a picture speaks a thousand words.

When informed that the flag represented Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Dr Shama Mohamed tried to defend herself by claiming that outside India, the country is represented by the Tricolour.

Responding to Aditya Raj Kaul who tweeted that the saffron flag is representative of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Dr Shama Mohamed tweeted, “Huge Respect for the flag representing Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj but I thought outside India we are all one & represented by the Tricolor.”

Nevertheless, the saffron flag waved in Germany is a symbol of the Hindu renaissance brought about by the iconic Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The flag served as an important catalyst to awaken the Hindu consciousness in medieval times, which ultimately led to the dominance of the Maratha Empire, stretching from Peshawar in the west to West Bengal in the east, and to Tamil Nadu in the south.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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