Sunday, June 2, 2024


PM Narendra Modi

Push for UCC, support for Pasmanda Muslims, and more: Key points made by PM Modi during his address in Bhopal

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has started its campaign in full swing for 2024 with the Prime Minister giving a clarion call to party workers for door-to-door outreach.

Did NYT just admit that its long-held ideals of liberal democracy have failed? When NYT fails to preach to India, they preach about how...

Titled "The India Quandary", the evangelical NYT's op-ed on Thursday was uncommonly politically correct. Of course, the article didn't fall short of its traditional anti-Modi, anti-India, anti-Hindu bigotry.

‘Modi Modi slogans, autographs, selfies, 15 standing ovations and 79 applauses: What happened after PM Modi’s historic address to Joint US Congress

Following his speech, US lawmakers were seen lining up to interact with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

GE Aerospace signs MoU with HAL during PM Modi’s US visit to produce jet engines in India for fighter planes

GE Aerospace announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to produce fighter jet engines for the Indian Air Force.

Marinated millets, stuffed mushrooms, saffron-induced risotto, and more: White House state dinner menu for PM Modi

During his visit, the White House will host a state dinner for PM Modi along with 400 other guests. A special menu has been created for the occasion keeping in mind that PM Modi is a vegetarian.

Sky is not the limit: Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says he was delighted to spend time with a head of state who is ‘scientifically...

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson met Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday and praised his vision for India

Uttar Pradesh: Driver Amzad rams his speeding car into Rajesh Dubey and crushes him to death after latter stops him from abusing PM Modi...

In Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, driver Amzad crushed a passenger named Rajesh Dubey to death with his car because the latter reportedly praised PM Narendra Modi and UP CM Yogi Adityanath

PM Narendra Modi convenes high-level meeting to review the situation after triple train accident in Odisha

PM Narendra Modi has called a high-level meeting with railway officials on Saturday to take stock of the situation after the train accident in Odisha

India is a culture, a tradition: PM Narendra Modi dedicates new Parliament House to the nation

Calling India a culture, a tradition, PM Modi said that the people of India have given themselves a gift for the ‘Amrit Mahotsav’.

‘Democracy is our Sanskaar. India has left behind colonial mindset that took away our pride from us’: PM Modi in new parliament

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the new parliament building should be a shining example of the country's vision and resolve of New India.

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