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HomeNews ReportsBook Excerpt: 'Truth About Muslim Population Explosion In India' by S R Swaroop

Book Excerpt: ‘Truth About Muslim Population Explosion In India’ by S R Swaroop

The question of Muslim population explosion and outnumbering of Hindus in India has been dismissed as a bogie for polarisation by the liberal media. No scholarly work on the subject has come into the limelight on the subject so far as academia is filled with people who are self-appointed custodians ‘liberal-secular’ ideology. Even the publishing ecosystem is strongly guarded by people who belong to the ‘liberal-secular’ ideology. Hence books and studies which speak about dangerous of demographics have not come to light in the mainstream discourse.

The dearth of a detailed analysis on the topic seems to have ended with the publication of kindle book titled ‘Truth About Muslim Population Explosion In India,’ written by S R Swaroop. The book analyses the data from census 2011 in depth and provides vital insights on the implications of a rapid demographic change that could affect India in near future. The book predicts that the Hindu and Muslim population percentage difference could sharply decline by 2025.

Democracy is all about numbers

In the preface of the book, the writer says :

Democracy is all about numbers and if you have lost the numbers, you have lost the game. Anyone with basic understanding of democratic process and demography will know about the very important role that demography plays in the election of democratic governments. Demography is important on its own but it is due to the ‘one person, one vote’ which makes it even more important in modern democratic society. And it should specially be remembered by those who have already seen a partition into two countries on religious lines.

The book starts off with a historical perspective of the demographic change that India saw before partition happened. It then proceeds towards the analysis of Muslim population explosion, future projections, TFR (total fertility rate) politics and finally a conclusion based on the analysis. Here is an exclusive excerpt of this fascinating book made available to OpIndia.

Book Excerpt: Truth About Muslim Population Explosion In India

“Pakistan and Bangladesh are their fixed deposits. Those are Islamic states, no one can lay claim on them. India is a joint account, plunder it as much as you please.1” – Siva Prasad Roy

The liberal discourse in India hates to talk about the increasing Muslim numbers in India and if any evil RSS/BJP leader mentions it by mistake, it takes the whole liberal world by storm. What follows next are apologies and some number crunching exercises to prove the insignificant size of the Muslim population in India and how Indian demographics cannot be altered in the near future. The entire number crunching exercise is to highlight that India is safe from the Muslim fertility bomb and that even if the current fertility trends continue it would take forever i.e. at least 2250 AD (not too far if you think from a civilizational context!) for Muslims to make Hindus minority(<50%) in India. The next step after this number crunching exercise is to then give out the disclaimer that given rising prosperity in India the fertility will decline for both Muslims as well as Hindus. What such disclaimers forget to mention is that- Muslim women will continue to pop out one more kid than their Hindu sisters, whether the latter’s TFR (total fertility rate) is 2 or 4.

This whole number crunching exercise actually goes completely against the liberal agenda if you look at it closely. Instead of proving that Muslims are insignificant in India, the standard liberal argument should follow the current European template- “Diversity is good for the nation and since India is a plural country, Hindus should stop claiming it exclusively for themselves. Indians love Biryani as much as they love Halwa, so there should be no problem even if Muslims becomes majority i.e. more than 50%.” But like every other nascent western fad and ideology, this argument might take a few decades to get mainstreamed in India, at least among the folks brainwashed by secular education.

However, under current situation and having suffered one partition based on religious fault lines, this argument would be unpalatable even for the dumbest and most secular Hindu. Even the most secular Hindu knows what happens to minorities in a Muslim majority country (only that they do not how far they are down this road). A quick look at their neighbours like Pakistan and Bangladesh is sufficient to give them a glimpse into their future under a Muslim majority. Since it is difficult to sell usefulness of excess Biryani, this explains why the liberal commentators prefer to fool gullible Hindus by number crunching instead. Hence, statistics is used to prove how the fascist Hindu Organizations are wrong about the Muslim fertility bomb and that there is no way in which the Muslims can take over India in the next 200 years. 200 years is not too long in the civilizational context but sufficient enough to put the gullible

Hindu to sleep and go with earning his daily bread. But those who are not gullible very well understand how bogus these number-crunching exercises are. Firstly, Muslims do not have to attain 50% population to enforce their agenda. Given their deep belief in Islam and commitment to resort to violence to enforce it, their nuisance value increases exponentially with their actual numbers. After all, the Muslims were below 30% at the time of partition in 1947. Secondly, the population explosion is much higher and hidden well under the statistics presented to the local populace. If it were so insignificant, why did the Government of India take so long to come out with the religious demographics in 2011 census? Even the Hindu fascist government under NDA took a long time before releasing these statistics.

The book ‘Truth About Muslim Population Explosion In India’ can be bought here

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